What made you roll your eyes today thread?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
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Here's what made me roll my eyes today: I'm sitting at my desk at home, typing up an essay for my English class, when my phone rings. I pick it up, and it turns out to be my older sister's boyfriend. He invites me to "come and get some pizza and a drink" with him sometime this week or so. I try to tell him that I'm kinda busy with school (which is true, because I have quite a bit of homework). He accepts, and then says "Well you have my number now, so call me when you're available!"

Personally, it's hard to figure out why he's been trying to figure out why he's been trying to make a connection with me, and why my sister gave him my number without getting permission from me first.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
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that i have started a new semester at school, and my so called parents will not help me get what i need, like trips to the nearest art supply store. They will only go if i give them gas money, and since i have missed two doctors apointments, i have to do two walk ins ,or else the doctor will not see me no more. and i have a very strict instructor this semester.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Personally, it's hard to figure out why he's been trying to figure out why he's been trying to make a connection with me, and why my sister gave him my number without getting permission from me first.
Maybe he's in a rough patch with your sister and wants to hang out with you in the hopes of getting you to put in a good word about him to your sister. I had a similar situation in college, a friend of mine wanted me to talk to someone I worked with about him, in the hopes that I would somehow get her to call my friend back. I just brushed him off and he eventually moved on.

Not saying this is why he's trying to hang out with you, but it reminded me of my friend.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2013
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So because there have been so many snow days taken from school where I live, from now on, we have to have an additional fifteen minutes added on to our school day until we make up the week that we lost. Ugh!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Are all school systems like that now? I remember back in my day (why do I keep saying that, it makes me feel old), if we lost X-amount of school days for snow, they would start canceling certain student holidays (like spring break, for example) to make up for it, and if the snow days continued and we lost more,t hey would extend the school year till June to make up for the additional days lost.

Fortunately, living down in the south where snow isn't very common, we've never had to deal with that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I really don't think Williams deserves 6 months suspension without pay just because he exaggerated some things a little bit, especially considering all the crap other supposedly respected news sources get away with.
By contrast, Bill O'Reilly did the same exact thing and is attacking the crap out of the guy who pointed out he was exaggerating. EVEN though the guy who pointed it out said it was different from Brian Williams in Bill's favor. It has even been proven that Billy O lied. Here in lies the difference...

Brian, be he guilty of misleading the public or exaggerating a story to sound heroic walked away graciously, and owned up to screwing up. Bill, being the egotistical tool he is (and frankly the best behaved Bully they have), wants to discredit anyone who wants to put a small asterisk that essentially means nothing next to him. However, I TOTALLY agree that the difference is one's a trusted news source and the other is freaking Fox News! Expecting any of them to no exaggerate, manipulate, and fear monger is part and parcel. It's a shame that there's a HUGE double standard, sure. The problem is, there are loyal Fox News Watchers that believe everything they say anyway, down to the "every movie besides American Sniper and Dark Knight because we were able to tie it in with the same Patriot Act crap we're now whining about because someone we don't like is in charge is brainwashing your kids to be gay communists, especially the ones we didn't so much as see 3 seconds of."


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I TOTALLY agree that the difference is one's a trusted news source

Trusted by who? Not me, lol. Pretty much all the news sources have an agenda at this point. It's all about politics and entertainment. Fox has no monopoly on this.

And I doubt Williams walked away. That's usually code for "was asked to leave without a fuss."

Don't get me wrong, O'Reilly's story is also weird. All he did was produce a letter he wrote as evidence. How is that evidence?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Trusted by who? Not me, lol. Pretty much all the news sources have an agenda at this point. It's all about politics and entertainment. Fox has no monopoly on this.
Good point. The scrutiny that he faced is hypocritical by that aspect. Same thing with Dan Rather and the disgruntled guy who fed him biased information about Bush's Vietnam National Guard service. How come that guy who lied to the news didn't get any punishment? Meanwhile, the Swift Boat veterans lied their butts off about Kerry, and the only Republican to speak out against them was John McCain. Hypocrisy much? It's not a lie if you agree with them. End of story.

And yes, while Fox doesn't own the monopoly on biased, crappy news channels, especially on cable (CNN is freaking PAW-THEH-TICK!), they're still the major source of bullcrap. I could go on them about their Machiavellian political gears, but the thing that drives me nuts is throwing in imaginary, sinister messages in kid's films to spread fabricated panic in gullible audiences. Even most conservatives think they're full of crap when they do that. And it makes them look like bullies too. To say the least of attacking Mr. Rogers. That was disgusting.

Don't get me wrong, O'Reilly's story is also weird. All he did was produce a letter he wrote as evidence. How is that evidence?
I never liked him, and all, but lately he's been just sliding down the moral event horizon and the sanity event horizon as well. His rhetoric has become pretty nasty, self serving, and forcefully oblivious. But the worrysome thing is how he wrote "Killing Jesus" because God told him to. Yeah. Not the God inspired me to give to charity type, more like the thing that a crazy person on the subway says before he does something awful. He's either lying or he's that deluded. And he's STILL the best behaved person on the network. And for the record of balance, I hate Bill Mayer too.

And they dare mock the younger generation for getting their news from comedy shows. At least there's humor in truth.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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And yes, while Fox doesn't own the monopoly on biased, crappy news channels, especially on cable (CNN is freaking PAW-THEH-TICK!), they're still the major source of bullcrap.
I've made it a point to watch both Fox and MSNBC. What I will compliment Fox on is they very often have left wing guests. Sure, they are scrutinized more at times, but there are actual debates going on. MSNBC is strangely less likely to have right wing guests. Very often it's a bunch of left wings sitting around, agreeing with each other. Consequently, there's less debate, and I don't know why they'd be so hostile toward that. The exception being Morning Joe; and not surprisingly, that's the most interesting segment of the day, because they have actual discussions.