New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

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minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Compared to the last film, Pepe seems to show up in more scenes in the trailers. While there's only one "Pepe scene" in the trailers (I assume that's his own scene), he's there when Dominic Badguy has a meeting to do business with the Muppets (it took awhile before I noticed Pepe was in that scene), in the redone Muppet Show opening, and in that black and white music number. So that's at least four scenes with the character (I feel there's another that I'm forgetting). Most of them are probably just background appearances/ensemble numbers, but in the previous film he only got one scene and one background scene (he wasn't even in the big finale).


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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I've decided to abstain from watching any more trailers/promos/what-have-you until the movie comes out. Not even gonna download the soundtrack until after I see it; last time I got the whole thing before seeing it/listened to the songs on MC Radio. Not this time. It's all gonna be a surprise.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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I spent most of the time leading up to The Muppets expecting them to pull a fast one--expecting Kermit to weenie out like a faithless player--because that's who Kermit had BECOME, but in my secret (well, mostly secret) heart-of-hearts I knew that if real muppet fans were involved (thank you, Jason), then Kermit would remember who he was and step up to the plate.

I wasn't expecting him to hit a home run. I wasn't expecting him to hit it clear out of the park. He didn't just get the words out--and no, they were not artful or practiced or suave--they were heartfelt and nervous and just a little dorky. Just like Kermit. How could Piggy refuse that? (How could we?)

I've not been watching the publicity as much for this one--I just haven't been as worried that they will screw everything up and ruin a perfectly good re-set. But they could--they still could.

I don't think they're that dumb. For the last--well, forever, all any one who has interviewed either Kermit or Piggy has wanted to know was, "So--what's up with you two?" And the answer to that is the answer to everything.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't even need another wedding--they already did that. It's enough for me to know that he knows he's lost without her, as long as he makes sure she knows he's lost without her. And if he just so happens to storm a wedding with some other frog who wouldn't mind having what Kermit doesn't seem to appreciate, declaring his undying love and making it impossible for her to live without him, or for him to go on without her...well, I could live with that.

I really could.

(And if they screw up, well--I went to their last wedding. That one will do me if it has to.)
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