You know when a movie is so bad that it's funny for being bad? And then when you watch it, you can't help but make comments about how awful it is? Sort of like what the MST3K guys do. That is watching something ironically.Begging your pardon for my ignorance on this subject. Maybe it's a generational thing I missed out on. But how would someone my age set about the task of watching tv ironically? (To me, it seems ironic if I can keep my eyes open til the end of the show, but there must be more to it than that).
That's what happens with our soundbite crazy media. The subtlety gets ignored, and the very reason why people should really be offended goes unnoticed. It's like the Chic-Fil-A thing last year. It wasn't so much that he was an anti-gay religious zealot.. he was an anti-gay rich zealot with money of which he would give to anti-gay so called charities. The Paula Deen thing wasn't because she just said the N word, it was quite a complex legal case that uncovered a crapload of racism and poor conduct.That's a terribly misleading page. It wasn't Mr. Robertson's opinion that got him suspended. It was the disrespectful tone and unChrist-like nature of how he stated it. He didn't just paraphrase a Bible verse; he continued on to mock gay people and align the LGBT with terrorists and other very sordid and unrelated things. We all deserve respect and Mr. Robertson owes gays and African Americans an apology for his crude characterizations (not to be confused with his belief in the Bible). I'm sure the program would have him back if he were to swallow his pride and make amends. That would be the Christian thing to do.
Fundamentalist Christians are going to "stand by" Robertson because of the imaginary persecution he has for his beliefs. Because as we all know, the one thing written in the bible that one time is the centerpiece of the religion verses literally everything else in the bible. He said something offensive, he lost his show (as superficially as it is), he still can continue to believe what he chooses to believe... but you know, the whole manipulative victimization of those who are losing a small chunk of the way too much power they have in this country. Fundie religions will continue to vilify homosexuality, but hate like that tends to fade with each generation. We're actually much more tolerant, and getting more with each generation. Mainly because they refuse to give a crap.
Meanwhile, I'm sure there's a lot of left of center/progressive Christians that agree that Phil is an idiot who shot his mouth off and have some site or blog about what a convenient Christian UnChristian he is. But no one will hear it because Fundies yell louder and longer.