Great blog entry, thanks for sharing!
Actually I'd consider Mokey a pioneering female character on children's TV as well, though for different reasons. Female characters are too often portrayed as ten times smarter than the males, which as a woman I personally find boring and obnoxious, lol. A character has to be real to be likeable, that means they have to be allowed to fail sometimes, that's how you make them relatable and endearing.
The point of many Fraggle Rock episodes was to show the characters going the wrong way, completely misguided and foolish, and having to learn their lesson at the end. And most other kid's shows would have only had the male characters messing up, but on Fraggle Rock we got to see the female characters at low points as well.
I recall Kathy Mullen saying Mokey was sort Mr. Magooish, she had a kind of naive optimism that everything was going to be OK, even when there's clearly a monster coming down the tunnel, lol. We laugh at Mokey's character quirk, the same way we'd laugh at Boober's cleanliness or Wembley's wembling. And in fact Red was the same way with her cockiness. That is how you make successful female characters.