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New Collectibles

•04/25 - Reaction Sesame Street: Big Bird and Snuffy

•03/25 - NECA Sesame Street: Ernie Ultimate Action Figure, Bert Ultimate Action Figure

•03/25 - Boss Studios Fraggle Rock: Boober Action Figure, Wembley Action Figure, Mokey Action Figure, Sprocket Action Figure

•08/24 - Reaction Sesame Street: Big Bird, Mr. Hooper, Sherlock Hemlock, Super Grover



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Fraggle Collectibles

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987-1989

Gobo and the River (1985)

Published 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Written by Joseph Killorin Brennan. Illustrated by Diane Dawson Hearn. Hardback, 42 pages.

While trying to rescue Wembley when he falls in the river, Gobo accidentally knocks himself out and floats away to distant places he's never seen before.

Marooned in Fraggle Rock (1985)

Published 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Written by David Young. Illustrated by Barbara McClintock. Hardback, 42 pages.

It's Boober's birthday and all the Fraggles are busy getting ready to give him a surprise party. Gobo is making a delicious pot of lima bean soup, and the other Fraggles are putting up party decorations. But the day may not be a happy one, because one of Boober's typical predictions of impending disaster is about to come true!

The Last Days of Fraggle Rock (1985)

Published 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Written by Louise Gikow. Illustrated by Sue Venning. Hardback, 44 pages.

When Junior Gorg gets sick and his parents take him to the swamp to recuperate, no one is around to take care of their garden. Weeds sprout everywhere and start to kill all the vegetables. This sets into motion a chain of events that threatens the Fraggles and Doozers with starvation-and may force them to leave their beloved Fraggle Rock.

Fraggle Rock Annual (1985, UK)

Published by Grandreams Limited Hardback, 58 pages.

This annual looks to be as if the publishers were hurting for ideas. The bulk of it contains the first two of Marvel Comics Fraggle Rock Star comic book, "#1" and "The Magic Time Machine" both written by Stan Kay and illustrated by Marie Severin. These two comic books are the only items in this book with any references to the authors and illustrators. No credit was even given to Marvel Comics.

This book also contains no photographs of which the first two were full of. It does have a section of puzzles and games. One game featuring the Doozer Eating Blob from the episode "Boober And The Glob" (this book does call it a Blob instead of a Glob too). There's is another game called "Raiders of the Lost Fraggle Stones" too. And we get another short story titled "Dooganberries, Anyone?" which also has artwork that looks like a familiar Fraggle Rock illustrator's work, but no credit is given to them or the writer.

Fraggle Countdown (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By Michael Teitelbaum. Illustrations by Diane Dawson Hearn. Hardback, 32 pages.

Fifteen Fraggles set off on a day of adventures at the end of which Wembley finds he has been left all alone.

The Cave of the Lost Fraggle (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By Michael Teitelbaum. Illustrations by Peter Elwell. Hardback, 32 pages.

Red Fraggle accepts a dare to explore the Cave of the Lost Fraggle, from which no Fraggle has ever returned.

Follow That Fraggle (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By Louise Gikow. Illustrations by Barbara Lanza. Hardback, 32 pages.

Sprocket the dog has an exciting day when he follows Uncle Traveling Matt Fraggle, the famous Fraggle explorer.

The Weekly Reader version of this book is called "Sprocket, Dog Detective".

Mokey's Birthday Present (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By Ellen Weiss. Illustrations by Elizabeth Miles. Hardback, 32 pages.

Mokey Fraggle has a wonderful birthday but is in a dilemma when her best friend gives her a present that she doesn't like.

Waggleby of Fraggle Rock (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By Stephanie Calmenson. Illustrations by Barbara McClintock. Hardback, 32 pages.

Boober befriends a cave creature with some very distinctive habits - and some lovable ones too.

Why Wembley Fraggle Couldn't Sleep (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By H.B. Gilmour. Illustrations by Barbara McClintock. Hardback, 32 pages.

When Wembley can't fall asleep, he bothers all the other inhabitants of Fraggle Rock by keeping them awake with him. This is the Weekly Rader title for Why Wembley Fraggle Couldn't Sleep.

The Weekly Reader version of this book is called "Goodnight Wembley Fraggle".

Weekly Reader Book Series Shipping Packages (1985)

These may be somewhat rare to the Fraggle Rock collector and perhaps somewhat undesirable depending on one's tastes. When you subscribed to Weekly Reader's Fraggle Rock book series, not only did you get the books and the free gifts, but you also received some fancy Fraggle Rock shipping boxes and wrappings.

With the first shipment of books the subscribers also received their free gifts being a record, tote bag and possibly a T-shirt depending on the offer. The box for this was larger to accommodate all of these items. This box was printed on two sides in two colors. The address side shows Red Fraggle peeking over a rock with the phrase "Look inside for your free gifts". On the reverse side you get a nice little scene of the Fraggles (minus Wembley) listening to Gobo reading from a book (maybe his postcard scrapbook).

Once the initial shipment is sent and the subscriber chooses to continue, two more Fraggle books were shipped in a smaller package with the same image of the peeking Red Fraggle. This same package design would be use on the remainder of the subscription.

Another form of packaging for the Weekly Reader books was a foldable corrugated cardboard wrapper printed in black with a green logo and loaded with images of dancing and playing Fraggles. This was probably shipped inside of a larger box because it seems too fragile to be sent on it's own through the mail. It would be like wrapping paper made of cardboard. This may have been used inside the first package sent to keep the free gifts secured.

It's nice to have things like these in one's Fraggle Rock collection because probably 9.99 times out of 10 these would be thrown away making them rather difficult to come by.

Muppet Press Paperbacks (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Weekly Reader reissues in paperback.

Some of the Fraggle Rock books from the Weekly Readers series could also be found in paperback form in a different series of Fraggle Rock books.

Among the paperback adaptations are:

  1. Best Friends
  2. What's a Fraggle?
  3. If I Were King Of The Universe
  4. What Do Doozers Do?
  5. The Tale Of Traveling Matt

There may be a few others released as paperbacks as well. Other than being slightly larger and excluding references to the Weekly Reader book club, these books are identical to the original versions.

Muppet Press Glossy Hardcovers (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Glossy Hardcover versions of the Weekly Reader Fraggle Rock book series were also released without the Weekly Reader information. These, like the paperback adaptations, are also slightly larger than their original publishing.

Some known to exist in this fashion are:

  1. Wagglyby Of Fraggle Rock
  2. Fraggle Countdown
  3. What's A Fraggle?
  4. If I Were King Of The Universe
  5. What Do Doozers Do?
  6. The Legend Of The Doozer Who Didn't
  7. Best Friends

It is possible that all 20 Weekly Reader books were printed in this format as well.

Boober Fraggle's Ghosts (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. By Louise Gikow. Illustrations by Lawrence DiFiori. Hardback, 48 pages.

Boober is sure he is seeing ghosts, but none of the other Fraggles will believe him.

Mokey and the Festival of the Bells (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. By Michaela Muntean. Illustrations by Michael Adams. Hardback, 40 pages.

It's time for the Festival of the Bells, the most important holiday in Fraggle Rock and Mokey is sad. She has given each of her best friends a handmade festival gift, but none of them seems to care. So as everyone busily prepares for the joyous occasion, Mokey thinks about leaving Fraggle Rock forever.

The illustrations in this book are among the most perfect of all Fraggle Rock artwork. The characters are very true to form and when they are given expressions that their puppet counterparts can not do, they remain recognizable and don't become generic. The colors are also extremely full and sharp. We also get a nice shot of Cantus the Minstrel and a better look at the Fraggles in their winter garb. It's also nice that there is continuity between the Fraggle Rock books and the TV series with the use of the Festival of the Bells in this story.

Meet the Fraggles (1985)

Published in 1985 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. By Michaela Muntean. Illustrations by Barbara Lanza. Hardback, 48 pages.

Introduces Doozers, Fraggles, and Gorgs and offers advice on how to handle them as house guests. (It would be best not to let a Gorg in your house.)

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987-1989

Go back to Fraggle Rock Collectibles.

Section compiled by
Chris Andrese and Phillip Chapman


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Fan site Muppet Central created by Phillip Chapman. Updates by Muppet Central Staff. All Muppets, Bear
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