Your Thoughts: "The Muppets" Theatrical Film


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I think there is a part in the novelization (not read it, but I'm sure I remember it being discussed) that said that Gonzo offered to buy it, but had blown up all his money, and that Piggy offered as well but that they didn't want to "owe" each other so much. Something like that.

I kinda loved the scene where Fozzie changes the scoreboard (although it IS annoying) because even I, who loooove the Muppets, still haven't bought the DVD. Would people have gone ahead and pledged or not?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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I might be wrong, but my understanding was that Tex Richman had a deal to buy the theater, (I'm assuming he already put the money in escrow, waiting for the deal to go through) but the Muppets had been given the theater with a defeasible fee ownership.
Ahh, that makes sense. It would also explain why Richman waited this long to try to destroy the theater, even though he had been itching for revenge for decades; any earlier and the Muppets would still have a legal claim to the theater. But the very second that claim expired, he was gonna pounce. Ironically, if he'd waited until the Muppets had actually lost the rights, he would have been able to buy the theater and IP without the interference of the little guy who ran screaming out of his "business conference."

(As for watching "who gets the money"--I work at the Atlanta office of the US SEC, so that is a very familiar theme to me!)

The scoreboard...well, yeah, that was kind of a weakness. It doesn't really bug me, though. I imagine that while rewriting the script they saw that this scene was really heavy, and it needed a comedy beat here that would not come off as irrelevant, so they stuck in an ambiguous gag about the tally screen. When I first watched it I assumed that Fozzie broke it with his noggin, then comically assumed he'd somehow fixed it. I suppose we'll never know unless we locate that first pledge and find out whether it was 25 dollars or 25 cents.

I have the novelization. When Gonzo learned of the situation, he said that, no problem, he was super rich...right after he'd blown up the building, with all his money in it, oops. And I don't recall Piggy offering to buy the theater.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2009
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Are you reading this, James Bobin and Nick Stoller? Pepe and Rizzo need more screen time in the next movie!

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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I think James Bobin has said that other Muppets will get more screen time in the next one. This most likely will include Rizzo and Pepe, and possibly Robin and Bean Bunny, among others. TM just wanted to mainly focus on the Muppets from TMS.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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Steve has said he really misses performing Rizzo but since he's taken over as Kermit he doesn't get to a whole lot anymore. Hopefully this next one will let Steve perform not just Kermit but also Rizzo.

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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I also really hope Steve's able to do Rizzo in the next one. And I'd love to see Gonzo and Rizzo paired again. Interesting that Rizzo still received credit in "The Muppets", despite having no dialogue. Maybe they were counting the interview he gave with Gonzo? Or maybe Steve performed him in "Life's a Happy Song".

I'd also love to see other characters from JHH and MT, even if they do very short cameos. Fitting all of these characters into a movie may be a bit tough, but having the Muppets do a new TV series could probably allow more apperances by both the classic and 'forgotten' Muppets. As the sole founder of the unofficial and totally made-up organization "No Muppet Left Behind", I really think that as many Muppets as possible should still be seen.

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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Oh yeah, Clueless was great. Though it's unlikely we'll get Polly back for awhile (or Leon the Lizard, Clifford, Craniac, or Carter the butler) with Kevin being so busy on Sesame.