You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Ugh, I didn't like that episode. Doctor Who has a problem where they try to explain everything that is wrong with the world is the result of some alien invasion or at least features aliens in some capacity. It's like, No, we actually did this ourselves! It's our fault the bees are disappearing. I really hope they don't address the racism in the Rosa Parks episode (rumored S11 story) as "oh the aliens made us racist". Because that would just be stupid.

Anyway my Who rant is over... *slips out*
To be fair, the show has already tackled racism before, albeit in small doses.

Froggy Fool

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
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To be fair, the show has already tackled racism before, albeit in small doses.
Yes, that is true. I'm sure Chibnall knows what he's doing and won't put that in the Parks episode. It's just something to think about....

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Nope. They still seem plentiful to me. But fewer of 'em is okay by me. Same goes for wasps, flies, mosquitoes, gnats, springtails, stink bugs, boxelders, cicadas, and any other summertime pests.
Cicadas, stink bugs, and ESPECIALLY bees are not summertime pests. These are insects that are minding their own business and I’ve always found them to be friendly. Actually, I’ve never had a run-in with a cicada, just heard their... music, and I kinda like it. Stink bugs are cute and friendly, and bees are uber important to the environment and also very cute and friendly so long as you don’t agitate them.

The insects that are trying to eat you or are extremely aggressive with humans are pests, the others are not. Throwing bees in with mosquitoes is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say and it’s not even in the politics threads. :stick_out_tongue:


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Aug 8, 2003
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Cicadas, stink bugs, and ESPECIALLY bees are not summertime pests. These are insects that are minding their own business and I’ve always found them to be friendly. Actually, I’ve never had a run-in with a cicada, just heard their... music, and I kinda like it. Stink bugs are cute and friendly, and bees are uber important to the environment and also very cute and friendly so long as you don’t agitate them.

The insects that are trying to eat you or are extremely aggressive with humans are pests, the others are not. Throwing bees in with mosquitoes is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say and it’s not even in the politics threads. :stick_out_tongue:
Oh wow. The Satanist who hates everybody equally is now suddenly a friend to all of God's living creatures. :stick_out_tongue:

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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To be fair, would you want stink bugs evading your house?
Yes. Stink bugs do nothing at all except buzz around. I’ve never in my life gotten a whiff of the scent because I let them mind their own business. Ding!

Oh wow. The Satanist who hates everybody equally is now suddenly a friend to all of God's living creatures. :stick_out_tongue:
Jerry is the guy who hates everyone, and even then I never said I hated animals, did I? The only ones I legitimately hate are mosquitoes, others I have a fear of, and even more I genuinely like. Be respectful of nature and nature will be respectful of you. I’ve never gotten bitten or stung by anything except the parasites, and I plan on keeping it that way.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Yes. Stink bugs do nothing at all except buzz around. I’ve never in my life gotten a whiff of the scent because I let them mind their own business. Ding!
In fairness, I've had them crawl on me and land on my face. If they're outside, cool. I don't want them roaming around my house.

Also, you meant ‘invading’. To evade something means to avoid it.
Always Mr. Correction, eh? :shifty:

No, you're right though, I wasn't fully awake when I posted that....