When you need to rant...


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I learned today that the Westboro Hypocrite Club is planning on picketing the funerals of the children who died in Newton.

At the risk of sounding evil, I hope they encounter more than jail-time this time. Even saying they're doing such a thing is hideous on so many levels.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2012
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I learned today that the Westboro Hypocrite Club is planning on picketing the funerals of the children who died in Newton.-------------
Unless they get passed these guys, I doubt it will actually happen.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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At the risk of sounding evil, I hope they encounter more than jail-time this time. Even saying they're doing such a thing is hideous on so many levels.
They're protected all too well by the Constitution. Yet, where is the realization that this is a dangerous cult? If it was any religion besides supposed mainstream Christianity, they'd have raids. They're going around with signs thanking God for 9/11. If they were anything but Christian, the War on Terror would swoop in and send them all to Gitmo. But they're white guys, and white guys who are Christian are never evil. I really fail to see why they aren't categorized as terrorists or Doomsday Cultists since they have shades of both. They have their own cleric telling them to do terrible things. Sometimes you have to say "Screw the rules, let's do what's right" and cut off the roaches head to let it slowly die.

More evidence that mental illness is not being addressed enough in this country, heh.
You have no idea. These are people who are brainwashed, completely indoctrinated to think that everyone's going to Hades (even themselves) and the only way they can get out of it is to warn everyone else by being as offensive and overbearing and evil as possible. Seriously, why aren't we going after their leader with drone strikes? Oh, he's not Muslim. These guys are essentially as bad as the Taliban. Why can't we just go around the Constitution and do something about it?

As for the school shooting, I'm just going to make a couple points and leave that be.

No one needs an Assault rifle. The word "Assault" is right there in the name. It basically says what it's for.
The mother was a gun nut. Not an Aficionado. She was stockpiling Assault rifles for some Glen Becky/Guns Gawd and Gold nonsense.
Everyone's going to toss around solutions but not do anything about them because of the recursive cycle that eventually leads to "It's going to do nothing" even though it would.
uh... it's always the same problem, and it's like freaking Groundhog Day the way everything repeats itself with nothing done about it which always ends with a "This time it will be different." And it never is.
I know this is hindsight and all, but even freaking BURGER KINGS have exterior security cameras. It's so disheartening to realize schools are less fortified than fast food places.
And oh yeah... how about we make friends with the weird, alienated kid that does one thing that weirds you out?

(sits back, waits for it to happen again, as it did at least 3 times this year).


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I know this is hindsight and all, but even freaking BURGER KINGS have exterior security cameras. It's so disheartening to realize schools are less fortified than fast food places.
I'm sorry, but the last thing I want is for schools across America to be turned into fortresses or prisons, or even more like them. As tragic as that event was, they're rarer than we think, but thanks to our 24 hour news culture, we know them all too well. What we need to do is not ignore danger, but put it in perspective, as "free range children" advocate Lenore Skenazy preaches.


Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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What's wrong with having security cameras? I fail to see how that's making school a jail. It's taking extra precautions. If you catch some weirdo sneaking around outside, on a security camera, you have more time to take the necessary precautions to make sure the kids are safe


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Mass murder or nothing, I don't like the idea of anyone skulking around a school. No one's saying fortress, no one's saying prison. Not an armed security guard posted by every door, just a couple cameras around the outside to make sure suspicious people wandering school property for a disturbing amount of time get noticed. The shooting is a rare thing, sure. The kid broke in, and there's no word if he was skulking around for a way to get in. But a school isn't a place that you'd want suspicious people wandering and waiting around for kids to come out.

Again, it's not about going absolutely crazy and going 1984 on the students, it's making sure any number of unsavory characters don't have access to them. Take shootings out of the equation, and there are cases of child predators hanging around school yards. If I were a parent, I'd be more worried about that happening.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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As long as they don't go overboard and put tons of cameras everywhere, then that's fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I wish the TV networks and such would just leave Seinfeld alone already! Gee whiz, they keep changing it every few months or so, first they cropped it like you were watching it on zoom, then they added the letter box bars on the top and bottom, and now it's all squished like trying to watch a widescreen YouTube vid squeezed into a 4:3 frame.

Why do they keep doing this anyway?!