When will Palisades Toys announce later series?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Every shelf in my room has muppet figures on it and I had to add more. Usually I have all the figures in specific groups and scenes, but there are just too many and they are too big. The Swine Trek set alone takes up one entire shelf and that's only for 3 figures! Space is a huge issue in this line. I finally decided that the only way to display the figures is to jumble as many as I could into one HUGE scene. I even had to put more than one of each character on the same shelf! It's killing me!

I think we could have the same level of detail in a smaller scale. Maybe between mini and regular, but I doubt detail would be lacking. But when Phil has to be 7 inches tall the scale for figures is a bit large.

Michael Crawford

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just a wild guess, but I'd say it seems like we won't be seeing S10 in stores. I've been down this road many times - once a retailer loses interest in a line, regenerating it is almost impossible. Is is possible? Sure, but highly unlikely. I think a much more likely scenario is that we'll see the S10 figures and perhaps a few more in 2005 as store and show exclusives, or through Palisades Direct.

But, even if it comes to that, this Muppets line with be THE definitive action figure version.


Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Hear, Hear!!!

I'm with you absolutely about the definitive toy line issue Crawford... It's really the only line I collect right now, adn other toys I pick up along the way are only to subsidize that line-figures I think might look cool with the muppets. Few figures make that cut however... SLimer from Ghostbusters is one of the few.

Anyway, yeah, space is an issue. I have one playset per shelf, and in those I have (usually) corresponding figures and related ones with them (many of my space-related figures, and somehow, PEPE, have made it on board the Swine Trek...) It's the only way.

I have thus far stayed shy of putting the same character, whether it be a different version or not, on the same shelf so far, but that is only due to luck. And the fact that I don't display Tuxedo Kermit... HAHAHHAAH!!!

I have to say I'm down with the size. It makes any kind of cross-overs with other lines possible, and sometimes, sensible. PLus, as Luke said, the accessories just would not have been as cool with a smaller size. Muppaphones part of the Muppaphone itself??? No thanks to that...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I was looking at those turntables you can get that swivel and you put portable TV's on today, thought it might be cool for a playset.

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Now you're talking!!!

Dude, I totally hear what you're saying... I have more figs and accessories crammed in my Lab playset (which reminds me, my nephew just broke the little hoses off the lab table... I was so proud that it was still in one piece :rolleyes: ) Anyway, to have that overcrowded playset on a spinning base would make it even more dynamic... Good idea Luke. THanks.