What DVDs would you want for 2008?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I want to see the Dog City special, perhaps paired with a complete set of the animated series. Although I'm not sure how many episodes were produced, so I dunno how many individual DVD sets you would need to have. But whatever.
I think there were 39 episodes in total.

Speed Tracer

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Okay, here's my sort of big, giant, unrealistic list.

There's the regular stuff - The Muppet Show: Season 3[/I][/B], Fraggle Rock: Season 4, Sesame Street: Old School Vol. 3. I'd say the latter two are probably a good possibility, although ya never know.

I would like to see some sort of Puppet Up! set, including the special that was shown on TBS as well as the clips on the TBS website. And of course lots of clips that we haven't seen yet, perhaps from the Australia shows.

Like I said earlier, I've always wanted to see the Dog City special and animated TV series all in one set. I remember watching the show when I was a kid and enjoying it immensely. One of the first Henson productions that I ever saw.

I know I'm not alone in wanting a Sam and Friends set. We may not ever see the entire show on DVD, but it would be great if they could go ahead and release the stuff that they do have the rights to.

The Song of the Cloud Forest has been high on my list for a really long time, ever since I heard There Was a Time. Dunno how likely it is that we'll see this anytime soon, but I though I'd include.

Christmas is always a big time for me, and I know I'm not alone in wanting some sort box set of the Henson Christmas specials, which would include A Christmas Together, The Christmas Toy, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, The Great Santa Claus Switch, Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree, and, of course, A Muppet Family Christmas.

I know there's so much more that I want but thinking about all this is making me depressed.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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One thing on my extreme wish lsit is the entire Little Muppet Monsters series, including all the unaired episodes. I wonder which would be more unlikely to have on DVD, that series (which the majority of the population ahsn't heard of) or the entire Jim Henson Hour, shown in hour-long forms like in the original broadcasts?

Winslow Leach

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2007
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I agree with those who want Sam & Friends. That would be a cool DVD release.

I'd also like to see the Wilkins Coffee commercials. That would be neat if they were included on a Sam & Friends DVD.

Speed Tracer

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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I know there's a YouTube channel that has a TON of the Wilkins commercials. Not the same as having them on DVD, but still!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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One thing on my extreme wish lsit is the entire Little Muppet Monsters series, including all the unaired episodes. I wonder which would be more unlikely to have on DVD, that series (which the majority of the population ahsn't heard of) or the entire Jim Henson Hour, shown in hour-long forms like in the original broadcasts?
Oh I forgot that one, yeah that would be amazing.

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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The only problem with a release of Sam & Friends is that it would cost henson a fortune to get the rights of all the songs and record sketches that were lip synched, but that would be such a dream for some of the series to come on dvd, because many of the episodes are supposedly lost. [[shrugs]] :embarrassed:

Winslow Leach

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2007
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The only problem with a release of Sam & Friends is that it would cost henson a fortune to get the rights of all the songs and record sketches that were lip synched, but that would be such a dream for some of the series to come on dvd, because many of the episodes are supposedly lost. [[shrugs]] :embarrassed:
Oh yeah, I forgot that the Muppets lyp-synched to records on Sam & Friends. I suppose it would be a nightmare trying to get the rights to all the songs.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2006
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I agree with pretty much what everyone's said so far, and I want to add The Jim Henson Hour and The Animal Show. I've never seen a single episode of the latter and am VERY interested in it--specifically because of Steve and Dave! And if they had to release JHH without the Storyteller segments that would be fine (because I already own them). I would really just like to have the MuppeTelevision segments and then the other segments that haven't been released, like Miss Piggy's Hollywood or Monster Maker.

Oh, and to echo Jim Lewis: Muppet Classic Theater. Def. I don't have much faith that my VHS will last much longer--it is currently being used A LOT for a thirteen-year-old video...

EDIT: I didn't see that minor muppetz had said the MuppeTelevision segments. Oops! hehe :smile:

Speed Tracer

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Oh, man, I LOVE Muppet Classic Theater. I know it was supposedly made in a pretty difficult time, when nobody's spirits were that high, but I still think it's hilarious.