What do you know about dreams?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Dreamt this morning that I was hurrying to grab up my cat and save him from a rattlesnake I thought I saw slither under a rug in some sort of old abandoned cabin in the woods... then somehow that turned into old Nazis hiding out in the cabin. Sheesh. I think the Nazi reference was from a letter I read from a friend mentioning touring a concentration camp on vacation! Still...in retrospect, kind of an Indy feel, I guess...snakes and Nazis!

This is what happens when the house is too hot for proper sleep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Touring a concentration camp on vacation? That sounds like something my Holocaust-obsessed Grade 8 Reading teaching would do.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Dreamt this morning that I was hurrying to grab up my cat and save him from a rattlesnake I thought I saw slither under a rug in some sort of old abandoned cabin in the woods... then somehow that turned into old Nazis hiding out in the cabin. Sheesh. I think the Nazi reference was from a letter I read from a friend mentioning touring a concentration camp on vacation! Still...in retrospect, kind of an Indy feel, I guess...snakes and Nazis!

This is what happens when the house is too hot for proper sleep.
Holy snot..that's scary!!:eek:(No A/C in your place? re: the house being too hot to sleep in)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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It's a post-WWII-ugly-cinderblock-no-insulation-swamp-cooler house. No A/C, which in Tucson is a really, really stupid thing. I'm not the owner, though, so there's little I can do about it. Eh. Next year I'll have enough money to move back east, and it won't be an issue ever ever again!

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Ok, so I had a dream last night that was pretty horrifying. I dreamed that I somehow contracted a virus that causes your skin to fall off (not rot, just kinda...fall off). First, it was just my left hand. Muscles/tendons and bone were visible, but there was no blood (it looked like a poorly rendered freshman cgi project honestly). Then it started to happen around my heart. After a while the skin grew back. I have no idea WHAT to make of that...it kinda scared me


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Ok, so I had a dream last night that was pretty horrifying. I dreamed that I somehow contracted a virus that causes your skin to fall off (not rot, just kinda...fall off). First, it was just my left hand. Muscles/tendons and bone were visible, but there was no blood (it looked like a poorly rendered freshman cgi project honestly). Then it started to happen around my heart. After a while the skin grew back. I have no idea WHAT to make of that...it kinda scared me
Kinda sounds like an episode of Action League, Now!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Wow. I don't think I've ever dreamed about my own internal anatomy! That has to rank as one of the coolest weird dreams ever!!

Maybe...you've been feeling exposed? :wink:



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Wellp, it happened... it finally happened... last night, I dreamt just about the last thing I haven't dreamt of, after all these years.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Something really interesting has been happening to me these last two or three nights in dreamland... at some point in the dream, I suddenly have the ability to dream in the first person, but as someone else... if that makes sense... I mean, it's not like third-person dreaming, which I seem to do quite a bit, I mean, I'm actuallylooking through the eyes of another person in the dream, and last night was the most interesting of such dream yet: I dreamt through the eyes of Caroll Spinney. In a slightly different version of history, I/Caroll was being auditioned by Jim for Big Bird (and another person was there with Jim, I forget who it was, maybe Don Sahlin), and Jim was telling me/Caroll that he envisioned Big Bird being a country bumpkin, a big goofy yokel, and I/Caroll did start out doing Big Bird's original Mortimer Snerd-esque voice and mannerisms, but then I/Caroll stopped, and said to Jim, "You know, this is supposed to a children's show isn't it? If we're going to have a Muppet represent children on screen, wouldn't it be better if Big Bird were a child?" Jim did his characteristic, "Hmm...", before nodding and saying, "Alright, let's try it, and see what we come up." So, I/Caroll started doing Big Bird the way we know him and love him today. I should also point out that in dreams like this, I'm NOT in that person's mind, but rather, I'm simply just looking through their eyes.

In addition to that, I also had what was just about one of the most terrible, gruesome, and graphic dreams I have ever had in all my born days: under unknown circumstances, these gangbangers suddenly ambush Rick Moranis, and open fire on him over and over and over again, even until after he appears seemingly dead and covered in blood. I have absolutely no idea why I dreamt that, I mean I love Rick Moranis, but I wasnt thinking about him, or anything I had seen him in, so I don't know why something like THAT entered my subconscience last night; and this actually isn't the first time I had a dream like this, I remember a couple of years ago, I had a similar, far less graphic dream where a gang ambushed Tom Bergeron, and began assaulting him.