The MuppetCast - Show #70 - Live from New Jersey


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Hi-ho! This week's show is a bit unique in its format. In fact, it doesn't have much of a format! Last weekend when I was visiting Jane Hunt, each night I decided to sit in front of my microphone at the laptop and talk about what went on that particular day. Out of a short two-day trip came quite a lot of material, and I hope you'll enjoy hearing about all of it!

Apologies for the voice quality; it was pretty late each night when I recorded these clips, and after a day with Jane you can imagine that I was pretty beat! But it's still very descriptive and fun, I think.

There's even more Hunt footage forthcoming! Next week I'll gladly feature the audio taken from the video I shot of our one-on-one interview in Jane's kitchen. We'll be talking about various photos, stories, and memories of Richard. Now, notice that I said "photos". That doesn't work well for an audio podcast, I know. However, it works quite well for an exclusive MuppetCast DVD! That's right, I'm producing a DVD documenting the trip. Listeners who donated funds to the trip will automatically be receiving a copy of it, and it will be a "Gift With Donation" to any and all who want a look at once-in-a-lifetime experience with a Muppet mom. On the disc you'll see, among other things, some rare photos (not seen anywhere on the web - I checked), a few of Richard's Emmy awards, and even get a look into his bedroom!

Jane and her husband Arthur were more than generous with their time, and they and I both thank you for making this trip possible. I hope you enjoy listening to my memories of it this week.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Oh, wow...Steve, you're going to make a lot of listeners really happy when you bring up the audio. I think episode 70 only whetted everyone's collective appetite.

And it all sounded really great - and I admire you for still having enough strength at 11:30 at night to be able to record something. I'd have been way too exhausted.

And you said that, for Jane, it was almost like having Richard back again...that is really something.

Keep it coming, man!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi... Gonna go listen to this again, got interrupted in the middle by my dinner call. BTW: The flowers Richard had to see bloom every year? You might want to check with some of the more knowledgeable RHLC members, but I believe those would be peonies.

Bye. *Sneaks off to go listen.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Yeah...Jane actually says what they are when we shot it, I just forgot when I was talking. I think you're probably right.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Yeah, they're peonies. When Richard's niece Amanda dropped into the forum a while back, she said some of Richard's ashes were sprinkled over the peonies at the Hunt house. And at Jim's memorial, when Richard got onto the subject of flowers and nature, he mentioned that he was especially fond of peonies.

I think it's kinda sweet that he wanted to get back home in time to see the peonies bloom. Sure, he probably could have gone over to Kew Gardens or one of the other gardens in London...but he probably wanted to see the same flowers he grew up with.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Yep, Richard seemed to be particular like that. Can you either tell me here or PM me and tell me what Amanda's username is? Thanks!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ok... So I finished the episode. BTW: Rita Moreno was indeed part of Season 1. The Muppet Show guests' photos in the folder you mentioned, that reminds me of how the seasonal episode guides were arranged at Kermitage, back when that site still existed. It must've been Guy Smiley as he was part of the Gund SST plush line. The story about taking him shopping for shoes sounds funny, maybe that's where they got the idea to do a sketch where the Two-Headed Monster goes to buy some new shoes (finally taking a pair of shoeboxes worn on their feet instead). The episode felt great as it was narrated and I can only look forward to next week's addition.

BTW: Can get you Amanda's name here too, but since you asked Muppet Newsgirl first... LMK if you hear from her or not.

Now on to tomorrow morning ushering in Sesame Season 39!
First episode? The Telly-based Indiana Jones/Crystal Skull parody and Feist's cover song.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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me too. I'd also like to know Amanda's username, if anyone could post it here. Awesome show as always Steve!