The first ever MopFam Fic: Mother's story!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Good stuff here Christy. Loved the part about Christy sneaking off to the lab to finish her homework... And the mad scientistry going on at the lab next over.
What? Scientistry isn't a word? Well, if Vibs can get away with tacking -ish and -ness to the end of everything, what's a -try here or there.

And I'm a bit more satisfied with all the character development here, the bit near the end rully touched me.

Look forward to Chapter 3, whenever it goes up.

So... about that next chapter.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Keep it up. Thinking of doing my own when I get the sesame street one fisished. Your doing good. The first time to meet the family next door.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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The Count said:
What? Scientistry isn't a word? Well, if Vibs can get away with tacking -ish and -ness to the end of everything, what's a -try here or there.
Hey you, I'm a dane I'm excused. :stick_out_tongue: And besides - Beau taught me. :halo:

Christy, I love this! I love love love love love this! ... hm, I'll email you. :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*In Steve Martin voice: Well... Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse Meeeeeeeeeeeee!

Just teasing a bit, we understand each other well enough Vibs. Come on in and -ish to your -ness's content...
So long as we know what you're talking about, hee.

So, will we get Chapter 3 anytime soon Christy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I speaks englash flyantly-ish-ness! hmrf.



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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It's a great story Christy, and easy for someone who would know nothing about the Moppet family to understand (although I do know some). You've got me on the edge of my seat, which is something you're pretty good at!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Christy, this is fabulous. And I don't use that word often. OK, I use it as ever other word; I confess. But it is still fab, no matter how often I use the word. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Christyb: Mother I do believe they wanna hear more.

Mother: Aye but do they want it enough. Me thinks me hears voices. I'm not quite sure though.

Christyb: Me thinks me hears?? Oh boy that's proper English for ya. Thanks for the compliments guys. I'm going for something simple enough for those who aren't MopFam players to follow and easy to understand (i.e. for the Dane. :smile: ) So are ya'll ready for the next chapter? You sure you wanna read it?

Mother: It isn't for the light o' heart.

Christyb: Nicky cut it out with the pirate talk! Ya are confusin' me. Oh great now you gots me doin' it.

Mother: Soooorrrryyyyyy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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This is fun.

Biggy: Same here.

Yakky: Still borrrr-ing!

Grey: I think its going well. Keep up the good work.

Yakky: Figured.

Grey: Shut-up!

Yakky! Quit it.

Yakky: Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Chapter Three

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~​

Christy quietly shushed the whimpering infant in her arms. Although it had only been a few short years since her escape to the seas enough changes had taken place to last a lifetime. Her once long hair had been cropped short and was now kept in a tight ponytail that barely reached the nape of her neck. Usually she was spotted sporting a red bandana on her head as to keep the stray hairs from flying. In donning a pair of men’s black pants and one of her husband’s white billowy shirts she looked more to be a cabin boy than the first mate. All in all she had become a pirate complete with her sword clanging at her side and the ever present dagger concealed in her boot.

The door to the captain’s cabin creaked open as she turned to give her husband a warning look to keep quiet. He smiled gazing over at his wife and infant son. Christy gently placed their young son into the cradle and joined Ron at the door way. Blinding sun met them as they walked on deck.

“Viccy sleepin’ happily?” he looked down at his young wife and inquired.

“Ach, ya he’s a fussy one at that. Dunno what I’m a-goin’ to do with that boy. Takes after you he does,” she said mocking his terrible English, pirate ways, and swatted him on the arm playfully. Ron chuckled moved on to further take care of business. If all went well they should catch up to the other pirate ship before sunset. Not to mention all hands had to be prepared for the battle that would shortly follow.

Men and boys alike were busy about the ship. All were laughing and singing as they went. She could remember a time when these same people tried to treat her like a lady. That was right after Ron brought her aboard the good ship. Of course then she wasn’t exactly the type that would have a foul mouth and act upon threats. However, as her mother always said “Christy’s not the type to let someone tell her what to do. She’s the type that’ll tell them what to expect.“ Soon enough she had proved her stuff and could handle any of them in a fight to the death. Not that there was any volunteers among the crew.

Whistling she quickly climbed the way up to the crow’s nest and kept a sharp eye out while letting her mind wander. In three years she had donned a name that created terror in many men’s hearts. As a woman she often found herself having to prove herself. Besides, she didn’t want to create shame on her family. So she changed her name. It made sense seeing as the ship on which she was the first mate bore her real name. The good ship Christy wasn’t known for its mercy. Notorious for its hard captain and skilled first mate. The stories and tall tales she heard on the rare occasions when they put to port made her laugh.

Lazily acknowledging her best friend and the ship’s cook at Mac’s arrival her thoughts wandered once more. She wondered how her brother Adam was keeping up. Surely by now he would have married Izzy. Those two had been inseparable. Neither had seen the other in the time she had been gone. Oh how she missed her older brother. They were unusually close as far as siblings go. Which made her wonder at what he would think if he saw his baby sister sitting in the nest of a large galleon. Just thinking at his reaction if he saw her now brought a chuckle from her lips.

“Now what in blazes are you laughin’ about, huh?” Mac tossed her an apple and propped himself up on the railing.

“Just the thought of my brother if he could see me now. The look of shock and disapproval on his face.” she laughed once more and took a bite out of the apple.

“Disapproval of what? You actin’ like a man or would it be the fact that you’re known as the she-devil of the high seas? No doubt even the most lily livered of land-lubbers has heard of ya,” Mac ran a hand through his nearly gray head and winked over at the girl.

Christy danced a small gig and quickly brandished her sword. Playfully putting it to Mac’s throat she retorted, “That be me. Nicky, terror and the she-devil of the high seas. I be known to make grown men cry and beg for mercy, and trust me boy it isn’t a pretty sight. You wanna go at it?”

“Bah, put away that stick of yourn,” Mac shoved away the sword, “I know who you are, and I ain’t in no mood to mess with ya. Who do you think watches your kid when you go out gallivantin’ and a gullyin’?”

She laughed and placed her sword in its sheath and returned her gaze to the open sea, “Ahh, you old fool. You like the babe and you know it. Not to mention you’re squeamish about blood. Vic gives ya a reason to stay below deck during battle. Any idea who that bull-headed husband o’ mine is chasin’ after this time?”

Shuffling his body as to make more room he looked over at the girl with a gleam in his eye. Ever since the boss brought her aboard he thought of this child as his own daughter. Although he never told her that. She’d have his neck for sure if he ever said a thing about him going soft. “A mumble here and there. Us cooks meant to be seen and not heard, ya know?”

“Bah, off with ya now. What are you not telling me?”

“Calm down girlie. All I knows is that we’re ah-after Moppet and Hevej. The Cap’n is down right sore for them a-cheatin’ him out of that last fleet o’ ships we were after.”

“Now I see. That knot headed husband o’ mine. Bah, we didna need the gold from that fleet. Everyone knew it was nothing but the Spanish tryin’ to hide their wealth from the rest of the world.”

“Need or no need, I know nothin’ of. What I do know is that the Cap’ns pride has been hurt, and no one gets the best of our Cap’n.”

“Aye tis true. Maybe this’ll be a fun round of it after all. I havna seen Moppet fer a spell now.”

“Ya know Cap’n Moppet?”

“That I do. Lived next door to my parents he did. Also had a crush on me.” Christy stopped for a moment and smiled at the thought of the awkward boy she once knew being a challenge to her ship. A cocky smile crept upon her face as she withdrew her sword thoughtfully spinning it about. “Mac, give the others a message for me. Have fun with Hevej and his crew. Lemme handle Moppet.”

“Girlie I can hear those gears turnin’ in your head. What scheme are you cookin’ up this time?” Mac looked over at the girl practicing sword play with the air.

“Eh, not much. Just a little friendly reunion that’s all. I’m dying to hear news of home.” she said with a wink toward her friend and a final flash of her sword before replacing it.

“You’ll take orders from the Cap’n likes the rest of us. No runnin’ off now.”

“I’ll be runnin’ nowheres,” she said mimicking his Scottish brogue as someone called her from below. Both looked down to see a scared cabin boy holding a wailing baby. “That’s my cue. Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on the lad. Heck, I’ll even fight with my left hand! You really know how to spoil a girl’s fun, Mac.” She teased and with a wink grabbed a rope that dangled nearby. Swiftly and quickly she sailed down onto the deck and took her son from the nervous cabin boy.

“Aye, but who’ll take care o’ that babe if you go off getting yerself hurt? Now I know what yer brother went through,” Mac muttered and resume the watch of the vast and empty ocean.
