The 10 Short Electric Stories With The Electric Mayhem


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Jul 12, 2012
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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am back to regular fanfiction writing! And I have a new collection of 10 short stories/drabbles/oneshots/ blah blah blahs, starring The Electric Mayhem (also with Lips and my OC Libby Lou) Although, I could've thought of a better title, though..... Some of them will be FloydxJanice, but I'm gonna try NOT to do too many of them. These will mostly be just random, and mostly hilarious, short stories about....well, anything that kinda pops into my mind. So please, sit back, relax and enjoy! My first story will be up probably tonight.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE MUPPETS! They are property to Jim Henson, The Muppets Studios and The Walt Disney Company! (Except Libby Lou belongs to me)


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Jul 12, 2012
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1. Rebels In Cinderella
"Phew. What a night....." Libby Lou sighed as she opened her hotel room door using its key. It was 11:00 at night when Libby Lou returned back to her New York City hotel room. She was staying in New York for a much needed "Winter Vacation" after her house was destroyed by the band "whom shall be nameless" a few months before. She set down her purse on a nearby table, put on her green nightgown in the bathroom, set her curly brunette hair in a ponytail, and nestled comfortably onto her bed. Libby Lou then turned off her lantern light and slumbered off. But that peace and quiet on her hotel room floor wouldn't last too long......

"WAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" cried a familiar voice from next door that immediately shook Libby Lou awake. "Ohhhhhhhh!" Libby Lou grumbled as she turned on her lantern. In anger, Libby Lou hopped off her bed, got on her slippers and stormed out of her hotel room to next door, where the shriek came from. Libby Lou even knew that that annoying loud shriek of a wild animal could've only came from The Electric Mayhem's very own Animal.

She knocked on the door of her noisy next door neighbors. "Don't fret, guys, I'll get it," said a quiet male voice inside. Answering Libby Lou's knock was Zoot, the band's quiet saxophonist. "Yeah?" Zoot asked. "Zoot....." Libby Lou started. "What is going on?" "Uhhh....nothing much. How's your day so far?" Zoot replied. "Quit avoiding the question, Mr. Saxobeat!" Libby Lou angrily replied. "Now tell me what's going on?" Impatient, Libby Lou shoved Zoot out of the way and went inside the hotel room.

"Oh great. Look who decided to show up and ruin the party," Floyd said, unamused. "Party Pooper!" Animal called out to Libby Lou. "Now listen here, morons," Libby Lou started. "I'm trying to get some sleep. Now shut your traps or I tape your mouths!" "Hey, hey, hey, woah there, sister," Dr. Teeth calmly butted in. "We were only discovering a great discovery. That's where Animal came in and decided to yell." "Yelling fun!" Animal said excitingly. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" "STOP YELLING!" Libby Lou yelled out. "Well, you're yellin' right now, so why are you tellin' us to stop yellin'?" Floyd remarked. "Put a cork in it, George Harrison!" she snapped. "And what exactly is this "great discovery"?"

"Okay, like, long story short," Janice started. "Like I won us tickets to Cinderella on Broadway, cause I like rully love Cinderella...." "And Laura Osnes," Dr. Teeth added in. "Don't forget Laura Osnes." "And Laura Osnes," Janice continued. "So, like, I'm on my IPhone looking up the show and I see this guy in the show I've never heard of. And like I'm reading on Wikipedia that the new character is a rebel that wants to, like, get rid of the Prince and falls in love with one of the stepsisters."

Libby Lou then gave an annoyed expression. An expression that made her seem like she was, internally, really really mad that the Electric Mayhem woke her of her beauty rest just to tell her that there's a rebel in Cinderella. "That's it?" Libby Lou. "That's all you wanted to tell me? There's a rebel in Cinderella?" "Fer sure rully," Janice replied. Libby Lou then went over to a nearby wall and began banging her head against it.

Floyd laughed at the torture that his "enemy" was giving herself at that moment. But Janice then punched her boyfriend's arm to quiet his laughter. "Ouch!" Floyd cried out. "What was that for, babe?" "Like, for being an idiot," Janice replied. Floyd then shrugged and replied "Okay. Just as long as I'm your idiot, babe." Janice shook her head, but gave off a little smile.

"Ugh!" Libby Lou grunted after banging her head against a wall, probably 20 times. "You okay, Libby Lou?" Dr. Teeth asked, somewhat in concern. "Yeah....I'm fine, Dr. Teeth," Libby Lou replied. She then grumbled, on the side "After meeting you guys, pain is my only sort of relief." She then took down her hair from its ponytail and set the ponytail around her wrist. Now that she wasn't able to go back to sleep, she thought that she might as well stick around with them. After all, who else did she have to go to?

Libby Lou then sat down on one of chairs by the table where Zoot and Dr. Teeth were sitting. Dr. Teeth offered Libby Lou a Harper's Isle from the fridge, in which she reluctantly accepted. A Harper's Isle wasn't one of her favorite drinks, but anything at that point to drink was fine by her, since she was starting to get a little thirsty. "So, there's a rebel a Cinderella now, Janice?" Libby Lou asked, trying to keep up with the previous conversation. "Fer sure," Janice replied. "Like, I have a feeling it's going to be, like, a fairy tale version of Les Mis."

"Did you guys see the movie at all?" Libby Lou asked, taking a sip of her Harper's Isle. "Oh, fer sure," Janice replied. "Like all the boys were crying at the end...." "We were not crying!" Floyd protested. "Yeah, we just had........something in our eyes.....that made us cry...." Zoot lied. "We no cry! We men!" Animal yelled out. "Oh rully, guys. Admit it," Janice said. "You guys were crying at Les Mis. I mean, like, I was sitting right next to you Floyd when Eponine died and......." "Jan, you're spoiling things for the readers," Dr. Teeth interrupted. Janice then stopped and gave a simple "Oh..."

"Anyways...." Libby Lou started, not wanting to have a lull in her conversation with the band. "When are you guys going to see the show?" "Tomorrow afternoon, before our concert," Dr. Teeth replied. "Our concert's not 'till 8:30, so we'll have plenty of time to rest up in the hotel before our performance." "Even though we really hate matinees," Zoot added in. "Why?" Libby Lou asked. "We've had a matinee once for one of our concerts......and there was barely any excitement," Dr. Teeth explained. "It's like the crowd was full of a bunch of business people." "It was a bunch of business people, Dr. T," Floyd butted in, stroking a tired Janice's blonde hair. "Oh," Dr. Teeth remembered. "You're right."

The conversation Libby Lou kept up with the band kept on for hours. During that time, Zoot and Animal both got tired of talking and fell asleep on the floor. Janice, too, slumbered off and Floyd had to carry her to their hotel room, leaving the conversation. That only left Dr. Teeth and Libby Lou by themselves, for the most part. "So, you guys almost left Malibu with a band of surfers?" Libby Lou asked. "Positively, maam," Dr. Teeth replied. "They could've been Janice's long lost brothers." The two then shared a laugh at the reply. "Hey, by any chance do you know what time it is? I left my cell phone in my room," she then asked. Dr. Teeth then checked the nearby clock and replied "Half past 2, Libby Lou."

"2:30!?!?!" Libby Lou yelled out, in worry. "Oh my gosh! I'm gonna oversleep and be late for my flight tomorrow......" "Hey, relax, babe," Dr. Teeth said, calmly. "Come on. I'll walk you to your room." "'s fine, thank you," Libby Lou declined and got up from her chair. Before she headed out the door and back to her room, Libby Lou said "Thanks for the evening, Teeth. I kinda needed it." "Anytime, babe," Dr. Teeth replied. "Good night," she said and quietly left the room.

Dr. Teeth then nodded and said to himself "My work on coolin' her hot temper is done." He then noticed something by the door. Something small and round. He picked it up and analyzed it. A dark green ponytail. It must've been Libby Lou's ponytail. Dr. Teeth then shrugged and said "I'll give this little beauty back to her in the morning."
---------------------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------------------
Sorry if the ending was a little rushed. But yeah, I am kinda hinting Dr. TeethxLibby Lou here (I MIGHT write a story with this couple soon. I mean if there would be anybody that I think Libby Lou would date it would probably be Dr. Teeth. I mean, yeah, I know she only dated Animal (for like 2 hours but.......) Anyways, I hope you guys liked this story. The next one will be written soon so stay tuned. :big_grin:


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Jul 12, 2012
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2. Pretty Little Mayhem
"Popcorn done!" Animal yelled out as he got out the bag of popcorn from the microwave. Hungry, he immediately opened the bag, but before he could take a bite, Floyd tugged at Animal's chain to stop him. "Animal....." Floyd said. Animal glanced at Floyd, then at the popcorn bag, and then back at Floyd. "Sooooorrrrry....." Animal apologized and gave the bag to Floyd. "Thank you," Floyd said as Animal gave him the bag. He then carefully poured the bag of popcorn into a bowl, not letting any inch of it fall onto the floor, and went into the living room of the boys' apartment with Animal following behind.

"It's about time the popcorn was done," Zoot said. "I was startin' to get really hungry." "Fer sure," Janice agreed. "Hey don't fret, guys. Your wishes have been answered," Floyd said as he set the popcorn down on the table and sat down on the couch next to Janice.

"So, whose turn is it for the show we watch on TV tonight with?" Dr. Teeth asked as he took a handful of popcorn. "I think it's Janice's turn tonight," Lips replied. "Rully, Lips?" Janice asked, somewhat excited. "Ugggh," Zoot groaned. "She's gonna pick the worst show on TV, man." Janice then threw a piece of popcorn at him in reply. "Hahahaha!" Floyd laughed. "Nice one, babe!" "Rully," Janice said as she high-fived her lover and picked up the remote from the table to turn on the TV.

"So what ARE we gonna watch?" Lips asked. Janice then checked the time on the wall clock. 8:00 PM. She then nodded and said "Like, I know exactly what show we're gonna watch." She then changed the channel on the TV to the right channel of her show. "...So what are we watching?" Zoot asked as he took some popcorn. "Pretty Little Liars," Janice replied.

"Uuuuuuuuuugh!" The men groaned. "Wait!" Dr. Teeth realized. "We can't judge a show to be terrible unless we've actually seen it. Isn't that right, Janice?" "Fer sure," Janice replied. "And I, like, rully think you guys might like this one. It's about these four girls......." "Uuuuuuuuugh!" The men groaned again. "Like, stop groaning!" Janice said, annoyed. "I'm not finished!" "Sooooorrrrrry," Animal said, being the one out of the five guys in the room to apologize. "Go on, Jan," Floyd insisted.

"Thanks," Janice said and continued. "So, like, there's these four girls and they're trying to, like, uncover the mystery of their dead best friend, who's like a total queen bee. And there's this person that wants to, like, ruin the girls' lives with text messages about their other personal romantic lives." "Uuuuuugh," Zoot groaned, but then stopped when he realized he was the only one groaning. "Sorry."

"How bad of love lives?" Dr. Teeth asked. "Well......" Janice started, but took a moment to think. "Okay, one girl is in love with her older sister's boyfriend. One has....issues with her mother, I guess....I don't pay much attention to her. One is like......well....ehhh....I'll tell you guys later. But my favorite Aria."

"Who's Aria?" Floyd asked. "She's like rully awesome," Janice replied. "Reminds me of me a little bit. Anyways, she's like in love with her English teacher......." Suddenly, there was a silence. An awkward sort of silence as the guys stared at Janice. "How do you fall in love with your English teacher?" Floyd asked. "She was drunk......and she made out with him in the bathroom," Janice replied. "Like you, Floyd," Zoot teased. "Shut it, Zoot, and eat your popcorn," Floyd replied and threw another piece of popcorn at him. "Ahahahaha!" Animal laughed.

When the show finished an hour later, the six of them were watching the TV with their eyes glued to screen. Wide eyed expressions came on the boys' faces. "So, that freaky chick was 'A' ?" Dr. Teeth asked. "Fer sure," Janice replied. "But this is just a rerun. And plus, like I knew that from the first episode that she was 'A'." " So it's not Alison....the dead girl....or whatever her name is?" Lips asked. "That's what I thought at first, too," Janice shrugged. "But then I didn't like, realize it until later that it couldn't have been Alison." "Woman! Woman! Woman!" Animal yelled out as he was hugging the TV. "Pretty woman! Pretty pretty woman in show! We watch more often!" "I knew you'd like it, Animal," Janice said happily.

Janice then yawned a little and said "Well, like, I better head back to my apartment. I'm starting to get a little tired." Floyd then got up from the couch and offered Janice his hand. "Come on, babe. I'll take you home," he offered. "Awww, like thanks hon," Janice said and took Floyd's hand. Floyd then lead Janice over the door and said to the rest of the guys "I'll be back later." " Hey, don't have too much fun over there, man," Zoot teased. "And can you bring us back some more Bud's Liberties? We're startin' to run out and we'll need some for tomorrow night," Dr. Teeth asked. "I'll try," Floyd replied. "Like, night guys," Janice said and walked out with Floyd. "Night, Janice!" The remaining guys said.

Floyd walked Janice back to her apartment on the other side of the street. As Janice was getting out the key to her apartment, she said "Hey, like, thanks for the evening." "No problem, Jan," Floyd replied. Janice then kissed him sweetly and went into her room. "Goodnight, sweetie," Janice said. "I love you." "Love you, too, baby," Floyd replied and kissed her on the cheek one last time before he left.

As soon as Floyd left, Janice shut the door of her apartment and looked around. Coast was clear. She then headed over her couch and retrieved a book that was lying on there. She took out the bookmark and began reading it. After a little bit, Janice then gave a confused expression and said to herself "Wait. So Courtney was rully pretending to be Alison the whole time? Weird...."
--------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------
This one was just really really random. And I kind of imagined Janice would be one to enjoy Pretty Little Liars (Miss Piggy probably too). Anyways, stay tuned for another story coming real soon! :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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No school today! Got a snow day! So, I decided to write this little piece....Enjoy!
3. No Place Like London
January 20, 2013. With only hours, or minutes, left on the long flight to London, The Electric Mayhem, as well as many of the Muppets on the plane, were overly excited. They hadn't been in London since 1980, when they were filming their second movie. Now, the Muppets were returning to London to film another movie, which would also be some sort of "mystery caper movie." Because of the large amount of Muppets that would be in the movie, Kermit ordered two exclusive planes for the gang to fly in to London. Direct flight, too, despite the long and tiring journey.

"Like, I rully can't believe we're going back to London!" Janice said, excitingly. "Yeah," Floyd sighed. "We haven't been there in 33 years....." "Or something like that," Dr. Teeth added in, from across the other set of seats where he and Zoot, whom was sound asleep, were sitting. Lips was on the other plane with his wife, Dolores. "You know, I had a song in that other movie..." "Ummm, we had a song in that movie," Floyd corrected. "Then you strained your voice after filming and couldn't do the promotional TV special with us." "What promotional special?" Dr. Teeth curiously asked. "The one where Jan and I did our duet," Floyd replied. "Oh! That one!" Dr. Teeth said, remembering the special. "The one where you hinted to the entire universe that you and Jan were dating."

Janice couldn't help but give a giggle at that comment, but she knew it was true. After singing "Act Naturally" in the TV special, Floyd kissed Janice on the cheek; something she didn't expect, but then went with it. In response to Dr. Teeth's comment, Floyd wrapped an arm around Janice and replied "Well, I had to admit it at some point. Either do it the easy way or the hard way." "Like, what's the hard way?" Janice asked. "Clearing paparazzi rumors," he replied and laughed. "But the paparazzi don't pay attention to us much. They pay more attention to the frog and the hog." Dr. Teeth then looked over by the aisle. A few seats in front of where the Mayhem was sat Miss Piggy, receiving the first class royal treatment from male flight attendants. "Yeah, I could absolutely, positively see that clearly," Dr. Teeth remarked.

"Hey have you guys seen Animal anywhere?" Floyd then asked. "He was here a few minutes ago." Suddenly, an ear-piercing scream was given off. A female flight attendant was being chased after by Animal, whom yelled out his usual "WOMAN! WOMAN! WOMAN!" "That's our Animal!" Dr. Teeth commented. "Fer sure rully," Janice added in. Floyd simply gave off a laugh.

Suddenly, a voice came on over the loudspeaker. "Attention, passengers. We will be landing in London in approximately 10 minutes. So please, fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing." "Uh oh. I better bring Animal back," Floyd said. He then grabbed Animal's chain and yanked Animal back over to him. "C'mon, Animal. Safety first. Woman later." "Okay!" Animal said, nodding, and hopped onto his seat.

About an hour after landing and leaving the airport, the Muppets hopped onto to one of the double decker buses, reserved for them, that was heading to their hotel. The Electric Mayhem, including Lips, immediately called dibs on the top of the bus to jam out. An excited Walter joined the Mayhem on the top of the bus.

"Wow! I can't believe I'm in London with the Muppets!" Walter said excitingly. "This must've been really exciting for you guys when you were here the first time." "Fer sure," Janice replied. "And we jammed out on the double decker, just like the first time we were here," Floyd added in. "Got a request, kiddo?" Dr. Teeth asked. Walter couldn't help but think for a minute. A request? For The Electric Mayhem? THE Electric Mayhem? Walter was absolutely speechless and excited. But what for them to play? Walter had to think about it for a minute, but soon got an idea.

"Do you guys still know "Night Life?" " Walter asked. The band turned to each other and smiled. "Do WE know night life?" Floyd said, excitingly. "Why we know that song like the back of our hand," Dr. Teeth added in. "We got our whole repetoir all memorized. Why we could even sing the phone book!" Zoot then handed a book to Dr. Teeth. "What's this?" Dr. Teeth asked. "A phone book," Zoot replied. "We should play this at one of our concerts." "He didn't literally mean the phone book, Zoot," Lips commented. "You have got to be kidding me, man," Floyd added in, laughing. "What?" Zoot asked. "He said we can sing the phone book. Oh well." Zoot then tossed the phone book off to the side.

Walter also laughed at the previous action and said "Ha ha. I think you guys CAN sing the phone book. You're all really good singers. You're my favorite rock band ever!" "Awwww, like, thanks, Walter," Janice said, appreciating Walter's compliment. She then turned back to the band and said "C'mon, guys. Like, what are we waiting for? Let's play the song!" "NIGHT LIFE! NIGHT LIFE! NIGHT LIFE!" Animal yelled out, banging his drums. "Alright!" Dr. Teeth said. "A one-two-three-four!"

The band immediately jumped right into playing the song, with no further interruptions.

(Dr. Teeth)
Give me my good friends and play me my music
Yeah give me my night life

Pluck me that Guitar and rock me that boogie
Yeah give me my night life

Down below, the music became totally clear for the rest of The Muppets on the bus to hear. Kermit peaked his head out the window of the bus and looked up to see The Mayhem happily jamming out and Walter enjoying the time he was having. He simply nodded and said "I think our trip to London is already starting off on a great note."

(Dr. Teeth)
Swing me that good times cause I need the feeling
Yeah give me that night life

With Janice's guitar solo, the band immediately soared off into the second part (the key change) of the song. More Muppets began peaking their heads out the windows and enjoying the rockin' music being jammed out above.

(Dr. Teeth)
Give me my night life!
Give me my night life!

Miss Piggy then nudged Kermit on the shoulder and calmly complained "They don't have to play this so loud for the entire city to hear!" "Oh, that's alright," Kermit replied. "As long as they're happy, then I'm happy." "Mmmm," Miss Piggy groaned quietly, displeased with her lover's comment.

Back on the top of the bus, Walter gazed out at the sights passing by in such a beautiful city like London. And the rockin' music playing in the background helped make his mood even more exciting, as the sun was beginning to set and turn into a glittering night.

(Dr. Teeth)
Swing me the good times cause I need that feeling
Give me that night life
Give me my night life!

The song finished just as the bus pulled up to the hotel that the Muppets were staying at. "Well, gang, here we are," Kermit announced. He then went inside the hotel to check in. Meanwhile, back on the top of the bus, Walter applauded and said "That was amazing, guys! You guys still got it!" "Thanks, our little fanatic amigo," Dr. Teeth replied. "Hey, I'm gonna go convince Kermit to see if he can get the directors to give you guys a song in the movie," Walter said, excitingly. "I'll see you guys later!" "Bye, Walter! Bye! Later, dude! Bye bye!" The band said, not at the same time, as Walter went downstairs.

After Walter left, the band looked at each other in amazement. To them, it felt amazing to be blasting out music on a double decker bus again, just like it was 1980. "Well, gang....." Dr. Teeth started as he took a few sips of his water bottle. "Welcome back to London." "And there's no place like it," Floyd added in.
-----------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------------
This took a while, but I wanted to make it really. This is probably the best I've written for the Mayhem, and I'm also really glad I added Walter into this story. And yes, I do hope the Mayhem gets a new song for the upcoming movie. I kinda guessed on the lyrics for "Night Life" (which is from The Great Muppet Caper) so if any of the lyrics are wrong, let me know. Sorry in advance. Anyways, more stories are coming real soon so stay tuned! :big_grin:

By the way.............


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2013
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I think Libby Lou going out with Dr teeth would be really a good story.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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I think Libby Lou going out with Dr teeth would be really a good story.
I'm thinking about it. But I'm also debating on it, too. I'm trying really hard for Libby Lou to NOT be considered a "Mary Sue." Nor Misty (Read "Greased Muppets" and "Saturday Night Sequel" if you don't know who Misty is.) Misty's my other fan character, but I feel Libby Lou is the stronger of my two.

Libby Lou is supposed to be a tough, sarcastic, street smart chick (read my fan fic "Stormy Mayhem" and you'll probably know much more about Libby Lou than here. And also "Saturday Night Sequel" will help too, but I recommend you read "Greased Muppets" first.). (I think of her as a combination between Gwen from the "Total Drama" series and Squidward from "Spongebob Squarepants.") Her main thing is that she HATES Floyd, and vice versa. So, for Libby Lou to date Dr. Teeth MIGHT bother Floyd quite a bit.

On the other hand, Dr. Teeth doesn't really get paired up too much with OCs on here. If it happens, Libby Lou could probably be the first OFFICIAL OC on here (or at all) to fall for him.

So, it's kinda tough for me to decide on this issue..........


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Ooooh! Love it! Sooo excited!
Do you think you can do more of Lips and Zoot? Please?