posters at the theater

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I have been watching The Muppet Show: Season Two a lot recently, and I've been noticing quite a few interesting posters that appear in the background.

There is one poster that I've seen in some episodes, including the Julie Andrews one. It's on a wall by the stairway, and it can only be seen at certain angles (and these angles aren't normally see backstage). It says somethign about an 8 ft. 2 canary... possibly referring to Big Bird, though I haven't seen any good enough shots of the poster to see what all is said.

In the Judy Collins epsiode, when Kermit tells Gonzo that J.P. Grosse is tearing down the theater, there is a poster that says "David Goez presents Gonzo the Great". So the name is similar to Dave Goelz, but a good reference (I couldn't actualy tell whether the poster said "Goez" or "Gonz").

And in the Rich Little episode, when the press is interviewing Rich Little, there is a poster in the alley, holding auditons for dancing pigeons, and in smal print, it says "Contact Bert of S.S.". Of course, half of that poster is not seen due to being too close to the side of the screen.

Anybody else notice these? Or any other cool posters?