New video series - Preschool is Cool!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I recently read at The Muppet Newsflash that there will be a new series of Sesame Street DVDs called Preschool is Cool! The first such release will come out in July and will be called "ABCs with Elmo". It will include African Alphabet as a bonus feature (I assume it's the Kermit version as opposed to the one with Paul Simon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo on-screen).

I don't know if I'll buy it when it comes out... Maybe if it has something really interesting for me. I don't know if these will contain many old school clips outside of bonus features or even if they'll contain any inserts beyond bonus clips. Giving the series is likely done to prepare kids for preschool I have a feeling they'll be more recent clips, though it would be cool if they'd include more of a balance of clips from all eras (though I wouldn't expect anything too obscure... I don't expect them to have Don Music banging his head, Roosevelt Franklin, Alistair Cookie eating his pipe, Buddy and Jim...).

Since there will be an alphabet video, it would make sense for a numbers release to come out soon. And I figure most of the releases will involve subjects normally taught in pre-school. I never attended pre-school so I wouldn't really know. But it just hit me that one subject that'd be good would be an art-themed DVD. I don't think there's been any Sesame Street video/DVD releases that focus on art, but there's been a number of great clips invovling art, like the Hero Guy sketches (okay, so they aren't so great), Kermit's "magic finger drawings", Ernie painting a portrait of Bert, Ernie making a clay bust of Bert, Bert and Ernie cooperating to paint a picture, Ernie showing same and different portraits to Cookie Monster, Ernie telegraphically drawing Bert's face, the Mad Painter series, and others.