How do you explain Scooter's introduction?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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With body doubles? She just hired some kids who resembled them? Where did she get Baby Gonzo? Was it a costume?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*laughs* Maybe she got...God forbid...Puppets! *giggles* I don't really know...hmmm!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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I know. *laughs* Here you go with a decent theory, but then I go around and muck it up with questions that make it even worse, like "if Gonzo is one-of-a-kind, then where did the Baby Gonzo come from?"

I'm willing to go with the idea that some of them, anyway, did meet as babies in a daycare-like environment (after all, most of them HAD parents). The cartoon is then Piggy's imagining of it, embellished with her own fantasies (or a collaboration ... I really don't see Piggy imagining everything that went on there ... the others must have put in their two cents).


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Well, here's something else to consider. As of the Nancy Walker episode, Scooter's still in school. He even says so.

Check out this video (a little after the five minute mark) and Scooter talks about selling magazine subscriptions for school.

As for the Muppet babies thing...uh, I dunno. It's kinda odd. yeah, we could say that it's all part of Piggy's imagination, but there's the evidence on film in MFC. (Deleted video scenes or no deleted video scenes, some of us have the original airing on tape):wink:

I think...just tossing an idea out there, I wish there could be a coffee table book called "The History of the Muppets". Collaborations could be from writers, Muppeteers, the Muppet Wiki, etc. to tell the once-and-for-all-truth about where the characters themselves grew up, whether the Muppet Babies play a part (or not) and how they met (or how some of them met as babies and then met up later).

Just how did Kermit find them all to hire at the theater anyway? We know about Scooter's connection with the theater. Oddly enough, there's a detailed biography about Bo in a Muppet book from the late 70's/early 80's (including a detailed description about how he got hired). But...very little else is known about how Kermit hired the others. I could easily see Rowlf giving Kermit a hand (in Muppet history, they've been working together since at least 1969).

There's a lot to think about here.

Convincing John
Well the frogs too, and robin, because they knew each-other before too, in The Frog Prince. Same goes for Sweetums, Gonzo had already been in at least one previous muppet production along with Thog and the other Frackles, so that explains them, and in some bits you see some of the cast of Muppet Musicians Of Bremen. So some things can be explained but as for others, well, there are somethings that no one knows..... :wink:


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Apr 13, 2002
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Well we have seen him I think in MTI being a carriage driver I think or something for Captain Smollet, though like everyone he wore a wig. So even if the character is, the real JP Grosse is presumabely still alive with a small acting career, but no recent activity that I'm aware of proves this.:confused:
...and he also appeared as himself (and referred to by name) on Muppets Tonight - but both productions came before VMX so whatever happened to him happened between 1998 and 2002.

I think J.P. was essentially a wanna-be performer at heart as was seen in the Jaye P. Morgan episode...he then gets a chance to be part of a cast medley in Bob Hope episode so that was probably a turning point for him - he got the performing bug and just as Scooter took advantage of his uncle owning the Muppet Theatre, J.P. in turn took advantage of Scooter's show-biz contacts with the Muppet troupe to eventually get some background work in Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island...and then went on to become a generally benign member of the KMUP production crew (and occasional actor as in the Great Moments in Elvis history debut)


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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Nice thinking out-of-the-box DW. For me it always seemed kind of strange seeing JP Grosse in MCC, MTI and MT given his history against the Muppets. However, your analysis of what "could have happened" behind-the-scenes is very good and quite fun as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Kermit says the Muppet Movie is "Approximately how it happened" I like to think Scooter wasn't actually there when Kermit and Fozzie met the band but they were pressured by J.P Gross (or rather the threat of J.P.) into letting him have a part in the movie.

Something like this:

Scooter: "Hey Kermit, what do I do in the movie?"
Kermit: "Well nothing. You weren't there for any of this. You didn't join us till later on."
Scooter: "There's gotta be some scene I can appear in."
Kermit: "Scooter, I can't change history just to give you a part."
Scooter: "Gee, my uncle who owns this theater really wanted to see me in the film."
Kermit: "You're the band's road manager."
lol, that's exactly how it happened :wink:
my sister hates Scooter in season one [well, i think she doesn't like him at all cuz he's my favouritest muppet ever] she call's him a weasel cuz how he acts in the first season [i reply, no! he's a gofer]

how old is Scooter suppose to be anyway, they refer to him as 'kid' sometimes. so he's what, 18? since he's suppose to be kinda like Richard Hunt

Gelfling Girl

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2009
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my sister hates Scooter in season one she call's him a weasel cuz how he acts in the first season
Ironically, I became a fan of Scooter after watching season one. I mean, I guess I liked him a bit, mainly because I was a fan of Beaker and Janice, then I found out it was the same person performing both of them then I found out Scooter was also the same person. (w00t! Richard Hunt is totally awesome!) But I didn't truly think of him as too awesome until I got the season 1 box set and started watching those episodes of TMS. ("My uncle owns the theater.")


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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how old is Scooter suppose to be anyway, they refer to him as 'kid' sometimes. so he's what, 18? since he's suppose to be kinda like Richard Hunt
Well there was that time when he was trying to sell magazine. That is traditionally associated with High School age kids.