EM.TV to sell 49.9% of Henson to Dean Valentine


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by murgatoad
The London Creature Shop IS still for sale.
It is ? I wasn't aware of that ?

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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It's cool, Luke--I thought you were getting onto me. I tucked my tail!!

According to the current report at MC News, the value of the JHC is about $125 million, so that would equal out to $500/person if 250,000 people want to get together to buy the company!!

Unless they include tax in that sale, in which case we may need a few more thousand folks...:frown:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Luke
Well it's way better than some company getting them cheap for like 20 million if EMTV went bust, selling the creature shop, sacking the staff, closing the company, putting the puppets into storage or a museam, and then just making money year after year on selling the old shows and movies ........ and there is and was a REAL serious chance of that happening.
That scenario sadly is my definition of a 'material breach' and a call for a jihad holy war. So glad that didnt happen!

Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
The Mouse has his paws on several different companies in at least SOME percentage, but this I dunno.
Heh, the mouse has it's far reaching tentacles everywhere the world over.

Originally posted by Luke
People (everybody) really need to lay off EMTV until they know the facts - this site just lives from press release to press release
Who cares. It's convenient and makes sense for some...heck, remember Bitterman in VMM? You need an evil foreign corporation oppressor.

Originally posted by Fozzie Bear

At any rate, the remaining share of EM.TV is less costly now, and we fans should get our money together and buy them out!! We would own stock in our 50.1% share of JHC. I have $600 to go toward the cause--who's with me? I'm serious, I'll do it!!
Being that the Muppets and JHC are such a part of our makeup, fibre, heritage, and lineage...this isnt a bad idea!
My dream would be for the fans to buyout the 50.1%. EM.TV obviously only cares about the almighty Deutch Mark, so give the fuher what they want.

Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
$600 times 250,000 fans equals $150million. I'm SURE there's 250,000 fans. Not just from MC.
Um...well depends what you mean by fans. By casual definition there is probably one billion Muppet fans...I mean how could ya at least not like Sesame street? In 50 years the Muppets have been seen by infinitely more folks than Star Wars, Star Trek, and others combined...but yet their core following remains grossly small and underground. Very odd.

Btw, you guys are right, that quote from Valentine is pretty comforting...but you know how PR's go. If Valentine's vision is as forward and as aggressive as what Rivkin has been doing, then we're good. However, that 50.1% thing...argggghhhhh!

Originally posted by Luke

Hopefully with the right backing the new owners can build on this years success and have a good 2003. No matter how you look at it the word 'agressively' (if true) can only mean they are at least looking to get the Muppets out there in the spotlight rather than hide them away and live off the residuals.
Exactly...I remain undetered in declaring 2003 the glorious rise and triumph of the Muppets. I have a clear feeling good thigns are ahead, and finally a move away from the murky past decade can begin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2002
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I was searching for more information about Valentine and the sell on the internet. He's some random stuff I found.

While at Disney, Mr. Valentine was responsible for picking such shows as "Home Improvement," "Soul Man," "Recess," "Pepper Ann," running established series and dragging the company (often kicking & screaming) to try more edgy and sophisticated Original for Video Animated productions (OVAs).

While there Mr. Valentine developed the reputation of being an intelligent, creative executive who respected talented artists and understood their needs in order to create great work.

''The Muppets has a great tradition but probably doesn't have the audience it should,'' said Bill Cella, chairman of Interpublic Group's Magna Global. ''The thing is, there's a lot of kids' programming out there. He's going into a very competitive environment.''

Mr. Valentine views the Jim Henson assets as the basis for a startup production venture whose initial focus would be on direct-to-video releases, the Hollywood Reporter said Dec. 6.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Luke
It is ? I wasn't aware of that ?
Well, I don't know if it's official, but a Reuters article said a person familiar with the matter said EM.TV was separately trying to sell the Creature Shop.

Which would be a load of $#!+ (sorry). If you're selling Henson, Muppets AND Creature Shop better be included. Although, sorta off-topic, if I absolutely HAD to make a choice between JHC's programming library or their characters and future programs, I wold choose the former 'cause Henson's "best/better" days are clearly behind them. Rambling...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by BoyRaisin2
if I absolutely HAD to make a choice between JHC's programming library or their characters and future programs, I wold choose the former 'cause Henson's "best/better" days are clearly behind them. Rambling...
Perhaps to some...this past 12 years has been a murky one, but I would disagree. I believe the future could be very bright if only they had the right muscle and leadership, and visionary forward thinking behind them.

As that article pointed out, perhaps Valentine could just be the saviour were looking for. As for the 'video market' stance, that could just be a part of it...nothign wrong with that as long as that is not the focus.

For those that say the Muppets are old hat, has beens, nostalgia...I say jump off this ship now. Because the future indeed looks bright...its like the Never Ending Story...sure the adventure looked bleak, but with hope...and these great fans, anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I have never really thought of the Muppets as "nostalgia," I'd rather have the pre-1990 shows than the post-1990 shows.

And I think another thing that needs to be considered (I don't even understand what I'm about to say) is what people mean when they want more, oh what's the right term, "productivity" at Henson. I mean when people say Muppets, do they mean "The Muppets" or "The CLASSIC Muppets/Muppet Show Muppets," the "Muppets," as in well, Muppets, or just more stuff out of The Jim Henson Co. (which itself is sometimes referred to as the Muppets).

I mean, here in the US anyway, the only Henson show on the air is BITBBH. Sure "Farscape" is coming for its supposedly last season and Animal Jam and the Fox series are coming next year. I mean, is the main focus the Classic Muppets/The Muppets or actually diversing its character portfolio into more brands like Fraggle Rock, BITBBH, Hoobs, what have you. Are we looking for a bigger Classic Muppet presence (which luckily seems to be happening, possibly a factor in EM.TV keeping a stake) or just a bigger Henson/Muppet presence, like we had with Farscape. If the Creature Shop (supposedly it stays at Henson) could do more fantasy projects, that'd be great. I don't the "Muppets" and "Bear..." need to be the only working brands. And I'm not counting "Sesame Street."

And that's my two cents, and now my wallet's empty...hey that was pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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i didn't really understand what you said either, to a point...I think we should just be happy that the Muppets are still around! The company could have just dissapated (ooh i doubt that's spelled right) when Henson died. I try not to complain, though i do sometimes, I just remember that we are lucky to still have the Muppets in our lives!-Sarah


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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hey! i just read the latest news thing and Valentine looks like he knows what the muppets need! I think he is a good candidate for the muppets!!!!!-Sarah (who needs to read the news before she opens her mouth)


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Well, it's a fact that EMTV cooked the books, lied about it and hid them from their investors if you go by every article from the Associated Press etc. Now, about internal dealings with Henson - we don't really know any official info, but we know that they are pretty shady. (Thinks of the Nazi on Laugh In) :wink: