Any Ideas for the new Fraggle Rock Episode!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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I have a few more ideas right now!
1.Fraggles,people, and the big house: Maya and Julie are camping in Fraggle Rock because our world is raining out. So Julie ask Maya why she use to pick on her then Maya tells why.
Bu the next day Maya and Julie are exploring at the gorg's garden and they found a very big yellow house so the 2 friends ran back to the rock and tells the fraggle 5 about it so all 7 of them(5 fraggles and 2 human girls) went inside the house and on adventure.
2. Not a blind person in the rock: Julie and Maya met a girl name Helen who is Doc's one of great necies. Helen tells Maya and Julie that she has been blind since she was little and wishes that more people were nice, kind,fun, and get long woth each other like her Great uncle Doc, his dog sprocket, and her new friends. So Julie and Maya took Helen to fraggle rock and Helen can't belieive that she can see everything. The 2 friends interdosed Helen the fraggles. So Maya and Julie wonder how can helen in Fraggle rock and not in our world.(Because Helen was fraggle under an evil spell and her real perant were killed by some evil creature.)
3.Goldie's Great adventure: Goldie Fraggle ( From the Fraggle from outer space) has been having a good life in Fraggle rock one day after visting her grandparents Goldie found something that is like the story of the 2 fraggles disappared and never came back( Who were Goldie's parents!) so Goldie showed her friends what she found and end up in adventure.