A Cup of Kindness


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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I promise I had the idea for the Muppets to eat pizza on Christmas Eve before my own Christmas dinner ended up being a frozen pizza... Well, I mean, it wasn't frozen when we ate it, but... yeah, you know what I mean. Anyway, the story isn't over yet, of course. I'll probably have it finished by the time my family is done celebrating Christmas... which will be Wednesday night.

Merry Christmas, everyone. And happy Hanukkah, too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Aw this is so cute, especially when everybody convinces Casey to sing. Really like this!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Read this earlier and am posting my reply/review from memory (which shows which parts stuck!) PIZZA!!! (Totally reminds me of you, by the way) CAROLS! (I do love a sing along, but I generally don't sing along myself...except that one time when I was with all the intoxicated International students at a birthday party). ROBIN! (Of course Robin is the one talking to her! Sweetiepie that he is!) I j'adore that Cassey is trying not to take up too much space. That's kinda how I sit when I'm not sure if I'm really comfortable with a situation (and also quite a practical suggestion considering how many people must be in that room!) LIGHTS!!! (So pretty! But also, I keep expecting Gonzo to go running off to New York to spreed Christimas cheer...*shakes fist at Prawnie*)

Finally, CLIFFHANGER. And a Lisa shaped one at that. (Or at least, I *think* it's a Lisa-style cliffhanger, referring to some singing-reated incident in the past of Cassey's life? But then again, it could be a throw away line...[Pfft, a throwaway line in a Lisastory? {I agree, that would be somewhat unlikely}])


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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What a Merry Christmas indeed! All I could ever want for Christmas is a Lisa fan-fic, and look at that. TWO new portions of this beauty. Love it... duh. Robin was magic (as he always is with you), Gonzo was spectacular, Chef was perfectly written (which is saying something), Piggy's Victoria's Secret bag makes me so happy, singing, pizza (singing pizza?), piano, perfection. Zoot explaining Hanukkah was excellent... so very much you. His one word or one sentence at a time dialogue is so perfect... I've never really thought of writing him like that, but I love it. Floyd was great too--oh! And Animal. I think your newfound love of him from The Muppets shows here, even in the very little he was featured. Delightful... heart-warming while heart-aching... it's an incredible balance you walk on this tightrope, half, and you do it SO well. Finish this, since I don't know when I'll finish mine! Give the people SOMETHING.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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So obviously, I didn't have this done last night. And I meant to work on it today... which may still happen... but today has been serving as a reminder of why I only take HALF a dose of NyQuil. Because I completely slept through my alarm--which goes off every five minutes for an hour--and didn't get up until two. And didn't feel like I could walk straight until 3:30. So... yeah.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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So obviously, I didn't have this done last night. And I meant to work on it today... which may still happen... but today has been serving as a reminder of why I only take HALF a dose of NyQuil. Because I completely slept through my alarm--which goes off every five minutes for an hour--and didn't get up until two. And didn't feel like I could walk straight until 3:30. So... yeah.
I had a roommate who used to take NyQuil during the day and not see any problem with it. He would nod off in the dining hall or while watching TV and then I would take embarrassing pictures of him. He changed his ways when he fell asleep during an exam and completely bombed it. So, yeah NyQuil'll do that to you.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Pushes a bowl of chicken broth with some of the grilled tomatoes and roasted peppers mom made through the Fragglehole for Lisa in hopes it'll make her better and post more story soon. :sympathy: