The "What Seems to Be in Store for Season 43" Thread

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Aug 8, 2003
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That's why anytime they use a website on a TV show, the network has to buy up the domain name before it airs or someone else will and put either inappropriate or dangerous content on it. People who are web savvy enough know this. You must ALWAYS check the web address and make sure that it ends in the right code. It will save you from viruses.

Too bad they didn't get one, right?
Well, why don't they just come up with COMPLETELY fake URLs on a TV show, similar to how 555-whatever are fake numbers, why not put a twist on it, and come up with something like


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, why don't they just come up with COMPLETELY fake URLs on a TV show, similar to how 555-whatever are fake numbers, why not put a twist on it, and come up with something like
Futurama, when the show started out, used the fake address ending dot web. But that doesn't mean that buying up domain names doesn't add to the interactivity of the TV series. How I Met your Mother literally runs with this. Anytime a website is mentioned, they put the exact one up from the TV show. One time, they even turned it into a charity prop auction.

I don't think so, but in the ol' days, spoofs would be sung by spoofs of the singers themselves. With the celebrity-heavy show today, it's more likely the original performers will be brought in to sing the parody.
If anyone can answer this, do they have to pay the record company for band appearances anyway?

But I too miss the Johnny Hart music and AM ersatz caricatures of famous celebrities. I think that's something that left with Cerf and the rest of those guys. Sesame Street has gotten a little too celebrity oriented, and (back to the budget discussion) that's probably where most of their money goes. And I'd imagine there's rerun and video residuals as well. I'd much rather see songs by the actual Muppet characters than these self serving parodies. Or better yet, have celebrites sing actual Sesame Street classic songs or original ones made for the show. I actually loved Adam Sandler's Song about Elmo. That was straight up retro SNL Sandler right there.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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But I too miss the Johnny Hart music and AM ersatz caricatures of famous celebrities. I think that's something that left with Cerf and the rest of those guys. Sesame Street has gotten a little too celebrity oriented, and (back to the budget discussion) that's probably where most of their money goes. And I'd imagine there's rerun and video residuals as well. I'd much rather see songs by the actual Muppet characters than these self serving parodies. Or better yet, have celebrites sing actual Sesame Street classic songs or original ones made for the show. I actually loved Adam Sandler's Song about Elmo. That was straight up retro SNL Sandler right there.
Someone on the TP forum, I think, mentioned that the show has to fight to get its presence known, even while it's an institution. Celebrities are not only a way to get parents to watch, but help promote the season. They used Arthur as an example, they make new episodes, but does anyone know about?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Someone on the TP forum, I think, mentioned that the show has to fight to get its presence known, even while it's an institution. Celebrities are not only a way to get parents to watch, but help promote the season. They used Arthur as an example, they make new episodes, but does anyone know about?

Yeah. And Nickelodeon does the same thing too. I actually have the Wow Wow Wubzy "movie" that featured Beyonce. Cost 2 bucks at Marshall's... came with a figure. I had to pick it up.

It's nothing short of a shame that Sesame Street has to pander to get attention. I like the celebrity appearances, don't get me wrong. They're as old as the show. The fact that they have to pretty much say "look what celebrity is with Elmo" when Elmo pretty much is a celebrity in his own right.

Of course, we can kinda blame internet info access for this as well. The celebs used to mostly be surprises. I mean, when we all first saw The Simpsons in the Monster in the Mirror segment, please tell me I wasn't the only one that almost fell out of my chair. Now, they list everyone on site AND when they're going to be on what episode. It's like how you know about a movie 5 years before it comes out, and there's NO surprises when you see the trailers in theaters.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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Some clips from next week's shows are on Two highlights I found: Cookie's terrific new song "Me Am What Me Am", a great new Grover/Mr. Johnson bit (with Frank as Grover) and Birdwalk Empire, also featuring Frank!


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2005
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Been watching the new Grover/Mr. Johnson bit-love the part where the coffee tree comes out!
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