Phantom said:
Hong Kong Phooey...number one super guy. (Hanna Barbarra pre-dating most everyone here)
I waited for him to come on saturday afternoons. (It felt like he was one of the last ones.)
Woody Woodpecker
Heckle & Jeckle (I don't see why they won't show them anymore

Underdog (I also love Andy K. mouthing the theme song)
[The above choices make me sound a lot older then I am]
He-man's tiger (I forgot his name, but he was BAD)
Stewie (he rocks! I sent a postcard of him to my brother who is in the Navy & he went around showing it to everybody.

Pinky (Pinky & the Brain)
Mandy (from Billy & Mandy, she kicks butt)
Teen Titans (all of them)
Inuyasha (I'm sure most have no idea who he is)
& I was a Donatelo girl myself. I liked the movie better than the cartoon.
I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them right now.