I bought the soundtrack right before seeing the movie and if i did not like the songs in the movie I was going to return the soundtrack. It's been a week, and I'm so in love with this CD! Did anyone else have a hard time voteing for there favorite song on here I know I sure did?
Man or Muppet was great in the movie I loved how they did that, the song is something that I think a lot of us feel sometimes, and I think you can really feel Jason almost questioning it himself. Gary and Walter sound great together it's just a beautiful mix, and would love to hear more from them.
I have listend to Pictures in my Head, and Rainbow Connection several times and almost every time I get a little teary eyed. Especlay with Rainbow Connection When Piggy joins in the song that is what really dose it for me, after the emotional ride that her and Kermit have been through her comming out and singing his song with him was very touching and just thinking of that tugs at my heart.
I love the soundtrack and it makes me want to see the movie again and again!