Your Thoughts: New Green and Red Christmas CD


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Janice & Mokey's Man said:
But for the most part for me, The Muppets are nostalgaic. I would support new tasteful Muppet endeavors if they were true to character and retained fan favorites (I have no desire to see "Oz" again, ugh), but the Golden Age of the Muppets is what gives my biggest warm Henson fuzzies...for Christmas, "John Denver & The Muppets: A Christmas Together" (the album and NOT the special)...I'll just indulge in my favorite gems of Muppets Past. :smile:
I feel the exactly the same way. There's nothing wrong with nostalgia; it's important to people and kids can like it too. It's nice that the Muppets are trying new things, but it wouldn't matter if they never did another project. Their classic stuff speaks for itself, it was their best work. And like any decent work of art, it doesn't get old.

I think John Denver & The Muppets: A Christmas Together is at, and I really want to hear that. Why should I complain that I can't hear Janice or original voices, when I don't have to?

(And I agree, the album, not the special. The Muppets were barely there! lol)

It's OK if others want to hear this CD or the new stuff. That's their perogative and I don't want to debate. This is just how I feel.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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I bought the new Christmas album purely from a collection point-of-view. I am a major fan of the old stuff and don't really care too much for anything the Muppets have been involved in since the mid nineties. I do hope, however, that these new Muppet releases will encourage new fans to delve into the Muppet archives and push Disney into releasing more of the vintage material they now own.


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Sep 16, 2002
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Mistersuperstar said:
I do hope, however, that these new Muppet releases will encourage new fans to delve into the Muppet archives and push Disney into releasing more of the vintage material they now own.
You make a good point. I just wish the powers-that-be (who ever they are) trusted in the old material, instead of thinking the new stuff is needed to drum up popularity.

I honestly don't see the new stuff bringing in a new huge fan base among the younger generations. If they had just released the older stuff in a bigger way, I think that would have been better received.


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Sep 14, 2006
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Problem is, none of the vintage Muppet stuff fits in too well with what Disney do nowadays. They are still convinced that "Muppets are just for kids" and that is exactly what Jim was trying to get away from in the early years. Oh the irony.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah, now we're all frustrated with the very thing that bothered Jim all those years. The whole "just for kids" label.

I mean, if the major companies disapoint, it's really up to the fans to keep it going.

There are still plenty of ways to get a hold of classic Muppet stuff (though some ways are harder than others!). There are a lot of young people on the board here. Eventually, they'll be able to share all this with their kids. Plenty of vintage entertainment has lived on in this way. Parents pass it down to their kids, and it just keeps going.

But anyway, I still encourage anyone who wants to buy the new CD. It really doesn't sound too bad.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Mistersuperstar said:
Problem is, none of the vintage Muppet stuff fits in too well with what Disney do nowadays. They are still convinced that "Muppets are just for kids" and that is exactly what Jim was trying to get away from in the early years. Oh the irony.

I wouldn't say that - think of some of the Oz jokes.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2003
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I liked this cd, and the thing i looked at most was rowlf, and i was so happy he had his own track, bill did a greeat job. i just wish they used a difffernt song for rowlf, the one they picked was a bit childish. i always thought of rowlf as a little "classier" if that makes any sense, if they gave him a crosby song to sing, it woulda been better

Janice & Mokey's Man

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Apr 14, 2002
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Beauregard said:
remember on the Mwoo album there was a EM song from first season Muppet Show (Tenderly) and Janice's voice was wrong, wrong, wrong. I'd have felt worse if she appeared with the wrong voice than not appearing at all I think. Don't you?
Yeah, I wish there was an EM song on the 2 album when Richard did her voice, *sigh*...

(and for the record in response to other posters, I don't consider Lips or Clifford EM members---only the charter 5)

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Janice & Mokey's Man said:
(and for the record in response to other posters, I don't consider Lips or Clifford EM members---only the charter 5)
Well, I consider Lips to be a member, but I don't consider Clifford to be a member. He was originally part of another band, Solid Foam, and was only part of The Electric Mayhem in one special and one publicity photo, and nothing else (he wasn't even part of the band in the Disney stage shows Here Come the Muppets or Days of Swine and Roses, though Lips wasn't, either). I don't understand why you dislike Lips. Janice appeared in most of Lips' scenes, so it's not like he stole screen time away from her.

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Well, to clarify, I grudgingly consider him as an EM member in season 5 of TMS---but more like a "guest member" for that one season only.

Lips did steal from Janice. He sang half the bridge of "Boogie in the Barnyard" that should have been entirely Janice's as opposed to her merely singing half the bridge, and in one of her grooviest and funniest Muppet moments---her rockin' guitar riff in GMC on top of the double decker bus in "Night Life"---Lips is completely blocking her, obstructing her view until Richard finally manages to work around Steve and get her out from behind Lips only at the very last moment. He's also too much yellow---again, intruding on Janice's territory.

Taking away from Janice is The Cardinal Muppet Sin, climaxed in GMC, and therefore I have no use for Lips. And the fact that they felt they needed to create a new member simply for Steve never sat well with me. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Needless to say, I do love it in MFC when Doc thrusts open the door and squashes said Lips against the wall...heh...a little poetic justice. (I can already see me and Lips on Dr. Phil, the doc trying to get me to embrace his Muppetiness)

I sort of understand your being perplexed, minor...Quinn himself hates Wayne & Wanda, yet I love them. I don't understand why he doesn't like them. Oh well...even Muppet fans have variety among themselves, lol.