Surely there must have been some good in VMX that you did like or maybe you just paint with a wider brush than I do when viewing things. Black or white, yes or no, bad or good with no exceptions.
I have exceptions, I really do, it's just that VMX didn't have any real strong ones for me

. It left a bad taste in my mouth that small good parts couldn't wash away...
Those are the elements I'd like to see mixed together. That's my feeling on the matter as a lifelong Muppet and Muppet Show fan that grew up while the projects were contemporary instead of nostalgic. I'm a TMS/TMM/GMC fan first instead of the younger MFS/MT/KSY generation. I still think a Muppet project can have it all and suit all tastes.
Well really one persons nostalgic is another persons here and now, and they learn to love it at whatever point they end up being born around as that being just the way the muppets are

. I dunno, I was born at an inbetween time I guess, TMS wasn't being shown on tv where I lived, but my parents owned a first copy of The Muppet Movie on a 70's VHS, Muppet Babies was on, and I had GMC and the Muppet's trip to Disneyworld recorded on an old tape I would watch over and over.
I didn't actually see MTM until a few years ago (Not because I didn't want to but I actually didn't know it was ever made and didn't have internet, it was so weird seeing the muppet babies as puppets after so many years of them being only a cartoon O.O )
I guess because of my not seeing more than a couple episodes of TMS, plus the fact that I never saw MTM (I love the muppets and fantasy movies and I never saw Labyrinth until I was nineteen to, weird isn't it?) is why I link Kermit and everyone more to walking around in the world than the stage (not that I dislike them being on stage but it doesn't have that warm link to memories for me) ....
All that said I think any generation of fan can love LTS and KSY, we don't need to group it into ages :3. Even though I don't like VMX I don't think it is because I am older or anything, I just as a person don't care for it.
In the end I guess, everyones history with the muppets is different, and even two fans born at the same time can see and love the muppets for different reasons
