Man what a nice surprise this was. This is how I always imagined a "new" Muppet show. Hip, live, in an open time square sort of studio(like Total Request Live MTV), with segments on the street and even some improv. I loved how from beginning to end, it felt like it's own Muppet show complete with a storyline. Just so irreverent and fun.
And man, Big Mean Carl, a Muppet from random and obscure! I love when they throw in totally random or obscure characters(like the use of Jim Henson Hour characters in Muppets From Space and other things) If they were to ever bring back Digit, that'd be just too much.
This is just another major sign that we are on the horizon of a massive paradigm shift for the Muppets in their glorious full fledged return after two decades.
(sadly the build a whatnot has gone from $90 to $130, as well as they have backed new orders til February)