I read the article by Phil, then I read the review. So...
The three people who have written this show (I'm excluding Paul here) are just simply fans. They spent time either talking about Kermit, Fozzie, Piggy, Gonzo, Pepe and Rizzo, or how they loved certain moments from the past. And by past, I mean only stuff before Henson died. And how they summed up Piggy... wrong. Piggy isn't a character who's just ready to be vain or brutal at a moment's notice. She had moments like that on TMS, but she had heart too. Just because Frank didn't ever talk to Eric doesn't mean that he should not have tried harder at understanding two iconic characters like Piggy and Fozzie. Heck, I'm no Muppeteer and I know this (you do, too).
The writers- as well as the performers- need to be aware of this. There were times that Piggy was sweet towards others, and not just to get Kermit's attention. They are just remembering certain aspects about her, and that's not cool. Gonzo, Pepe and Rizzo seem to be the only ones who are authentic and it's only cuz that the guys playing these characters are the ones who originated them. Fozzie has become clueless and repetitive. And Kermit... seriously people. Back on TMS Kermit had no problem telling his best friends that their acts stunk. Kermit had no problem letting off steam every now and again. Kermit wasn't always polite, but that doesn't mean he was a mean person- not by a long shot. In essence, Kermit got crap done, because he was the leader. If someone's gonna perform Kermit, that person needs to know that you're taking a leadership role that millions will be seeing. Also, characters like Rowlf, Scooter, E.M., and Robin should have bigger scenes and come before Beaker and Bunsen, and Rizzo and Pepe. And where is Beauregard? Dave, you're still around. Put down Gonzo and Bunsen and get a fan favorite out. Beau was in way more scenes than


back in the old days, and Bunsen came two years prior. Only times I've seen him in YEARS is when he's in the back, cleaning up.
And now, the review... I don't have to watch this to know that, if I'm gonna watch this and I feel somewhat ashamed of watching modern-day Muppets around my family, I'm gonna watch it alone. And the guy who wrote the article helps me understand why. It's because Bill, Dave & Steve run the characters now. Pepe is hilarious, I'll give him that. He's fun to watch, and he adds zest the Muppets need. But there is such a thing as overexposure. Pepe and Rizzo should just take over Statler and Waldorf's job, cuz they're the real comic relief. Everyone else's scenes derive from just filling the stereotype that non-Muppet fans have of them.
If you guys wanna know why I always write posts like this, it's because I have family members and friends who see previews for this stuff and wonder why I still watch the Muppets. I understand fully that, in this exceptional case, you'll never be able to go 'home' again. By that I mean, you'll never be able to see the Henson team hit their stride again. Their time came and went, and they had a chance to keep it up. It's been almost 20 years since Jim's death, and nearly 10 years since a Muppet film's been in theaters.
Did you know that's the longest the Muppets have went without having a movie in the theaters since The Muppet Movie? If these guys are just so cool, so awesome, then why haven't they been in theaters? All I keep hearing is, "Disney's gonna plug 'em back into the mainstream!" Why? They shouldn't've left in the first place. But Muppet Treasure Island happened, then Muppets Tonight, then Frank leaves, then this special came on, then that special came on, a commercial here and there, then that ridiculous D.C. thing. Whether you just love everything that they're doing or not, one thing can be said, truthfully, about the last 15 years of the Muppets; the respect that people had for the Muppets is starting to fade, and it's been harder and harder for them to keep on top. They're trying too hard.
And the celebrities? I'm sorry, Nathan Lane's no Milton Berle; Jesse L. Martin's no Steve Martin. (While I'm on the subject, they need to find actors who don't treat the Muppets like puppets; they need more people like Michael Caine, who can talk to them like real actors) It's bad enough Sesame Street went into the tank. Why'd they have to ruin something for the older audience? I guarrantee you, if it wasn't for fans like us with a website like this, you'd all be seeing Johnny Fiamma, Sal, Van Neuter, Andy and Randy at Claire's door in that sneak peek, not the guys you see instead. And I'd almost bet that's the only time you'll see some of them talk tomorrow. Some of you feel angry about what I have to say. And you know what? I'm tired of feeling like saying this stuff. Some people think that, just cuz it's the Muppets, you can't call b******t. Sorry, but this rat smells a