Surprise surprise... everyone hated it.
I'll agree it was okay, but the main problem for me is that it was
rushed. There were a LOT of missed opportunities here, and it seems like the Muppets were added in last minute and this was a Gaga concert special. I actually kinda expected that. The only real disappointment is that they barely interacted with Gaga, and they felt like 2 specials cobbled together with some linking footage.
Seriously, I was not expecting this to be a great classic, but rather something that's a cross promotion of MMW and Gaga's new album. I'm more disappointed that Disney didn't sponsor the Kermit balloon in the Thanksgiving Day parade. That was a
pretty stupid lost opportunity to plug the movie.
And really, the Muppet solo segments were pretty good. This isn't Kermit and Piggy appearing for 2 minutes in a crappy variety show/reality show. They brought out Big Mean Carl, Scooter, and Lips. You think everyone would be bouncing off the walls on Lips alone.