Well, at the museum, and I may mis-remember this, they tell you it's the actual Kermit from TMM. Unless it was a remote controlled Kermit it wasn't. It is a beautiful display, though. There are local Menonites (sp?) who built the display for that Kermit! They do great work.
Between the two, I really don't know what to say. After having performed with the actual Kermit puppet in the auditions a few years ago I know that the poser is only a hair or two smaller than the actual puppet. The display-Kermit seems a tad bit bigger to me.
While I'd love to have the display from the museum, I'll stick with my Master Replicas Kermit. It's beautiful, you can get a great Kermit smile out of him if you work with posing his head just right, the posing options are amazing, and it really is unsurpassable of any other Kermit collectible ever made or to be created in this material.
I'm glad you liked the pictures, Froggy. The compliment is appreciated. I know a few folks that I hoped to impress with these pictures and you're one of them...you have keen eyes!

Anyway, I'm glad you liked them.
Another thing I hope is that folks will see the pictures and those who take them will write in somewhere to let people know that the poser is a great collectible so other folks will buy them. Definitely worth the money, and MR isn't even giving me anything to say so! Ha ha! It's just the truth, and everybody knows their Foz will give them the truth.
Or dare...whichever is funnier...