Your Thoughts: Jim Henson's Musical World at Carnegie Hall


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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That's just the best. God bless John Tartaglia! Of course, now I'm wondering what the Henson Company wanted a Wembley for. Mystery upon mystery!
I like to think the re-building of puppets is Henson's own way of saying "we're going to get this movie made and we're pushing for it this way" and using the new Fraggle puppets for assorted things leading up to a hopeful greenlight. But that's just me speculating.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Was it the acoustics of the place, or did Clash's Elmo voice sound higher? Like he had inhaled lots of helium. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I'm sad more of a big deal wasn't made before hand for this event. I honestly don't think people realized how special and insane this thing would be. Or the fact that YES, this really did feature a tonnnnnnnn of Muppets, from the Muppet show to Sesame Street to rebuilt Fraggle Rock and Emmet Otter. Heck I think I saw one of the Bear puppeteers there. I mean $9, crazyness.

Despite the strict no camera usage role, tons of pix and tons of video

Im very happy I can say Ive been to the only two public live Muppet shows ever(2001 and this one) Just wish I coulda met more fans!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Ah, beaker's here at last!

But yes, I think some of us did write this thing off a bit early but when people found out about this, they found out. :smile: I'm quite content with the amount of people I met, fan-wise and Henson-wise, it would have been worth you guys sticking around even sitting at the stage door for an hour but oh well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I wonder if anyone else traveled far? Over 3000 miles for me, but it was worth it!

The only other downside, outside of audio issues, is that there wasn't any clear time where I'd be able to meet anybody from the show or be able to afford the meet-and-greet type thing mentioned on this site. I got my The Works out of storage and marked pages in that and the Sesame 40 Years books for everyone there, this morning, but alas, it was for naught. I did get to see a friend from several Muppet events I've been to, so that was nice, and I took along my wife, little brother, and mom, so they all had a great time, as well. Traffic trying to get home was another story. Thanks for hearing my take out, and I hope anyone else who went enjoyed themselves.

Yeah I was a bit bummed I didnt get to meet too many other muppet fans. I did get to meet and hang with (gah, forget his handle...bob pizza dude?) and I met the guys who run tough pigs. I made a post of how we should all have a meetup before or after the shows(I was at the 12:30 show, but stuck around to see who'd come for the 3:30)
I think a lot of Muppet fans are a bit on the shy/aspie/etc side so maybe a meetup wouldnt be prudent. It was great seeing so many children there, including even a field trip from a class.

I saw a youtube video where Clash, Baretta, etc were signing autographs outside of carnegie hall after the 3:30 performance!

Oh yeah did anyone head to FAO Schwarz to go to Muppet Workshop? Small but I loved it

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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It seems this could have been an honorary second "Muppet Show Live", but with exclusive focus on the music, less characters, and more representation of Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2004
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I'm sad more of a big deal wasn't made before hand for this event. I honestly don't think people realized how special and insane this thing would be. Or the fact that YES, this really did feature a tonnnnnnnn of Muppets, from the Muppet show to Sesame Street to rebuilt Fraggle Rock and Emmet Otter.
Me too! When I first heard of this (in a separate thread here on MC), I thought it was just The Pops playing a bunch of Muppety music, which, don't get me wrong, is awesome! It just wasn't something I'd fly out there for (I'm lucky to live in a small town where the local city and high school bands have always and still regularly play Muppet/any John Williams scores and songs... and they're actually GOOD!), unless it was going to be something extra special (like this turned out to be!). If only they'd said something like "full of live performances by so-and-so and their-respective-character", or something, ha ha.

Maybe it's something they did on purpose to avoid giant stampeding crowds full of foaming-at-the-mouth crazed Muppet fans who can never have enough? Lol. Man, they coulda hiked the ticket prices and sold out a weeks worth of shows if they really wanted to. I can say in all honesty, that if I knew what this show was actually going to be, I would be raving about my own experience in this thread too! :sigh: BUT, I'm insanely happy for all you who were able to attend such a beautiful event!! :big_grin:

P.S. Awesome pic of you in your Fozzie hat! Keeping Muppet Pride alive and well across the U. S.! :fanatic:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The show was AWESOME!!! It was a real special and emotional tribute to Jim Henson. :smile: I loved all the Muppet, Sesame and Fraggle appearances!!!

My Ma actually cried during Rainbow Connection
My mom, the biggest Muppet fan Ive ever met, was tearing up too...and she was only on the phone(called her so she could hear during the rainbow connection/magic store medley)

It was a thrill seeing so many families. It's definitely solidified my feeling that I just could never date or marry someone who wasnt a big muppet fan as I wouldnt feel right.

I was so happy watching it. I had bad seats, but the performance was excellent. I was so glad Bill Baretta and Steve Whitmire ended up being there (they weren't confirmed on the guest list.) God... I can hardly process it, honestly. I laughed, cried, and all the rest!

Also, that little African American kid (can't remember his name at the mo!) who was in the Being Elmo Documentary, and who performed on Sesame, was in the lobby afterwords, trying to get people to take pictures with him.
Ha that rocks. Surprised that kid isnt officially part of Sesame Street yet. I dug his moxy in the documentary


Staff member
Apr 12, 2002
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It was a thrill seeing so many families. It's definitely solidified my feeling that I just could never date or marry someone who wasnt a big muppet fan as I wouldnt feel right.
Yes! Totally agree! Marrying the perfect Muppet fan and raising little Muppet freaks is the best!