My name is Ryan. I often get Brian. Lately, people have taken to calling me Scott because I replaced a Scott at work. However, the people at work who call me Scott are young kids so I give them a hard time, shred their self-confidence and demand they call me by my real name or they will be sentenced to a year with no snack. Just kidding. I do give them a hard time (in jest) and they realize the mistake and apologize profusely

. I once worked in a retail store where apparently I looked like someone named Kevin, so that was my name for the short time I was there. I didn't even talk to those people. They got mad but what did I care? Kevin would be the one to catch that flack.
My last name is fun. It's Bowser and people can't seem to wrap their comprehensions around it. So I get Belser, Bowling, Bowers. People don't want to accept that they are speaking with someone who shares a name with Mario's arch nemesis or a dog.