This is my first post on this (or any) site so forgive any mistakes I might make.

I just had to thank you all for posting these pictures. I've been reading this site for a few years now and following the news of this diligently, if skeptically.
Back in 2006 I was laughing at the first pictures of the Kermit replica, wondering who would pay hundreds of dollars for what looked like an olive-green Robo-Kermit. After seeing the pictures posted here (and imagining the 2500th Kermit sitting alone in a warehouse somewhere) I ordered it.
With Animal and Gonzo I did the same thing, first laughing at fans who would buy these plastic tounged, sock nosed knock-offs, then rushing to catch up, hoping I wasn't too late.
I just wanted to let you know that your pictures are great and helping sway many fans like me who, while not that vocal, are excited by the idea of these fantastic replicas.