My Favs.
My favs.,to answer your questions:
Favorite Muppet quotes:
-"Hello, I am
Vendaface. Simply insert coin in slot. Step up to machine, and I will rearrange your looks."
-Animal:Serenely,ahh.<rocking back and forth>
-Muppet Announcer: Here is a Muppet News Flash. [
runs to the desk]There is no news tonight.
-I think I'm lost. Have you tried Hare Krishna? Good grief, it's a running gag.
-You don't go to Bombay to break into show business. You go to Hollywood.Oh, sure, if you want to do it the EASY way.
-That's a myth.Yeah, but she's my myth.No, no. Myth. Myth.Yeth?
-We're going to catch those crooks red-handed.What color are their hands now?
The Storyteller: I am a teller of stories, a weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the right weather I can stand on my head. I have a little magic and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a Dragon, I can fight dirty but not fair, I once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic, I am a luxury, and in that sense, necessary.
-What was sundered and undone shall be whole - the two made one.
-Wings? I don't have wings!Of course not. You're a boy.
- Chamberlain! I challenge!Trial by stone.Trial by stone!
- I've brought you a gift.What is it?It's a crystal. Nothing more. But if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. But this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby.
- Ow! It bit me!What'd you EXPECT fairies to do?I thought they did nice things, like granting wishes!Shows what YOU know, don't it?
-But I must warn you that one of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies. That's the rules too, he always lies.I do not! I tell the truth!Oh what a lie!
-Give me the child. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me.
-'Ello.Did you say... hello?No, I said "'ello," but that's close enough.
Favorite characters:Kermit,Scooter,FooFoo,Uncle Deadly,Cantus,Cotterpin,Mokey,Red,Bear(in the Big Blue House),Ernie,Janice,Floyd,Dr.Teeth,Zoot,Rowlf,Grover,Mahna Mahna
Favorite Muppet Movies:The Muppet Movie,The Great Muppet Caper
Favorite Muppet Songs:
-Let me be your song
-(I'm going the) way I've got to go
-Rainbow Connection
-Happiness Hotel
-Couldn't We Ride
-Bein' Green
-Good-bye song,BITBBH
-Sunny Days(theme of SS)
-Mahna Mahna
-I'm going to go back there someday
-Finale:The Magic Store
-Movin' Right Along
-I'm Ugly
-Windmills of my Mind
-Turn the World Around
-Rubber Ducky
Why are you asking these questions?
You tell me,lol,kinda rhetorical.