I might have some answers:
1. He will NOT be in the same series as Sal. So if Sal is in S10, Rowlf will be in S9.
2. We know that Ken wants to do Pops as a GMC figure. So Pops might be the GMC figure.
3. Louis Kazagger was the only TMS Muppet I could think of that is not a musicain, Uncle Deadly would come with an organ so I do not think he will be the TMS slot, maybe in Series 10.
4. Benjamina Gunn could be a possibilty, she was meant to be in S7 (with Marvin, Johnny and Sal. Johnny was the only one to make it in) so all signs point to her, I'd love to have my
singing "Love Led Us Here". Due to that the Black Tux
coming out with S7/S8, there can't be an MTI Gonzo.
5. There was plans for a Tutu Pepe (I think Quinn posted it on the Tough Pigs Fourm) he has to the MFS figure.