Thanks to everyone, especially Lab Rat for posting all their photos.
Although the Animal replica is not perfect, he would have to be the best, most realistic depiction of Animal that's ever been available to date. I'm waiting for mine to be shipped downunder to Aus, and can't wait to get him in a couple of weeks.
Although the 'obstructed' mouth closing and unposeable eyebrows are disappointing, I can't recall ever before seeing a commercial version of Animal that was even slightly realistic, and most relied on cheaper substitute fake fur (usually the wrong colour) for his trademark hair, which surely has to be the main thing that defines his character. On that, MR has done an excellent job for a mass-produced item that doesn't cost thousands of dollars.
As far as the exactness of the eyes, pupils and nose, Animal has changed almost every time the puppet or poser was rebuilt, and IMHO the replica looks more like a 'classic' Animal than some of the 'balding' foam posers used from the 80's, or even the recent puppet used for the Season 2 DVD menus (it resembles Animal but doesn't match the older but better ones used in the actual S2 shows).
Like Piggy, his actual likeness changed slightly all the time.