Oh...these are beyond great!
Let me give it a try....
You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if
• You stop at a red light and your car stereo is playing “Can You Picture That” louder than the guy’s rap music next to you.
• You have a pet chicken named Camilla and a dog named Sprocket
• You know all your co-worker’s favorite muppet
• You struggle through a crowd of little kids to get the front row of Sesame Street Live (and you have no kids)
• You have a 1972 poster of Steve Whitmire topless above your bed
• You start yelling at the toy store manager for not carrying any muppet dolls except Elmo
• When someone asks you if you read the bible you reply, “Yes, I read ITS NOT EASY BEING GREEN AND OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER everyday.”
• When you call in sick at work the day Fraggle Rock Season 2 comes out
• You name your first born son Gonzo.
• Whenever you pass the rolls to a family member at Thanksgiving, you always say “HAVE A POP OVER FROGGY”
• You try and make a musical instrument out of an old washtub
• You try to redo some of Doc’s inventions like sewing a button on a fried egg
• You drive a rainbow colored Studebaker