You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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If you use Muppet songs to memorize African countries like Ghana ( Ghana Ghana, Its underneath Burkina, Ghana Ghana, above Guinea Gulf, Ghana Ghana, east of Cote D'Ivoire, etc)
and Libya (Libya oh Libya, say have you seen Libya, oh Libya the African country, West of Egypt and the Nile, South East of Tunisia, East of Algeria, Libya say Libya oh have you seen Libya, oh Libya, its right above Chad! Underneath the Mediteranian Sea! etc)
Pardon my ignorance, which songs are you using? (That's a great idea BTW)


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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This conversation happened on my good friend's facebook status:

Me: Ever since you dropped me off at home, I've been sort of browsing the interwebs... but mostly I've just been staring blankly at my computer screen and randomly trying to do Beaker impersonations. Oh, this medication needs to stop.

Friend: Have I mentioned lately that I love you? Because I so, so do.

Me: Meep meep!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
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You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if you use The Muppets as an inspiration for a TV Show you might make someday.

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if you use The Muppets as an inspiration for a TV Show you might make someday.
Yes! Yes! Yes!

If you use the Muppets to better your singing (Something Better is a great song to practice voice jumps and I've found that trying to imitate muppet voices while singing, even though the sound isn't right, certain techniqes have increased my range.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yes! Yes! Yes!

If you use the Muppets to better your singing (Something Better is a great song to practice voice jumps and I've found that trying to imitate muppet voices while singing, even though the sound isn't right, certain techniqes have increased my range.)
Not to discourage our Obsessed Muppet Fandom or anything, but as someone who's studied voice i would say be very careful with this. Muppet impressions (whether speaking or singing) are fun but if you're serious about actually improving singing ability, i wouldn't reccomend this as a primary method of doing so - you could actually harm your voice more than help in the long run.

Take singing/voice lessons first and foremost. You'll learn not only way that can increase your range in ways that don't damage your body but also do so faster and more effectively.

Get the basic knowledge down and then when you know the "do"'s and "don't"'s, then you can occassionally break the rules playing around with the "don't"'s sparingly but you need to have a knowledge and appreciation of what/how doing different things with your voice affects everything else before you do stuff on your own without guidance. Then you may find that when you really know a lot about various things concerning the voice like breathing, placement, technique, etc you may find it actually helps you with the extras like Muppet impressions!

Sorry to interject a little bit too much seriousness in a Fun Thread, but i know lots of people here are interested in performing either via puppetry or as themselves as someone with a background in this area, wanted to be sure people aren't doing things that would ultimately hurt rather than help their skills.

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Well, I'm not an expert so don't quote me on any of this, but an example is, I was playing around with trying to imitate Jerry Nelson as Robin or Gobo the other day. I found that that kind of voice is more nasaly and you do more in the resonating chambers in the mouth than the chest (at least I did) I found that while I don't sound lke him (not that I was expecting too) I can hit lower notes if I sing that way. It doesn't work in choir because that is a different style altogether but it works at worship team and when I'm on my own. I'm also playing around with Mokey's voice and it's helping me hit higher notes without going sharp or flat. But I don't know enough about how that's working to describe it just yet. I can let you know when I do though.

And I do agree with dwmckim, don't assume I'm right on this. These are just ideas I've been playing around with in context with what I already know about voice work.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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If you have to learn for school and think: If I study on French, I can understand miss piggy better, if I study on physics, I can understand Bunsen, and if I study English, I can watch TMS without subtitles!:smile: