...If you ever become possessed by your characters for brief periods of time (how else would I have ever written 80 pages in one NIGHT?)
...You make up a fictional sitcom with yourself in it and actually write episodes. (which I recently did for an assignment in my writing class)
...You care more about your characters than actual living people.
...You have set up a keyboard shortcut to open Word. (which I did, it isn't hard)
...You hate reading but love writing. (sorry, other writers

...You take college English classes even if you aren't an English major. (done it, still do it)
...You can find grammatical errors on tombstones. (yup)
...When you find a grammatical error in something, you become distracted and lose focus on what you were even reading until you rewrite the sentence in your mind or add in a missing punctuation. (what can I say, people just don't know how to use commas anymore)
...When you get into arguments with people about whether or not the US or British grammatical style is the proper one. (been there, done that)
...If you refuse to write anything by hand because you are always revising stories years after they have been "completed." (that's my style in a nutshell)
...If you prefer your own writing over published writing. (guilty as charged)
...If you have ever used built 'sets' and used Lego minifigures to stage scenes from stories to see if the schematics are believable. (I must admit, I have actually done this on numerous occasions and it worked extremely well)
...If you publish your writing online even if you are the only person that goes and reads it. (tis my curse)
Now, when it comes to research papers and other written horrors of academia...
...If you have ever taken a can of Coke, poured it in a glass, and added sugar until it became a thick slurry, only to chug it down. After doing this, I managed to pull off a 12-page single-space research paper in about 3 1/2 hours. I crashed pretty hard that night. I would try that again sometime, but I'm really not interested in developing diabetes.