Movies205 said:
I think it be cool if they had some muppet shorts to put in front of movies, it get them back in the public's eye and it be cheaper.
I think this is one of the best ideas I've heard in a long time.
Think of it -- what did Sam and Friends consist of? Shorts.
What is most of Sesame Street still made up of? Shorts.
What were the Land of Gorch segments? Shorts.
What were most of The Muppet Show, The Jim Henson Hour, and Muppets Tonight made up of? That's right, shorts.
So the Muppets are definitely accustomed to working in this sort of medium.
And think of the advantages it offered Looney Tunes -- not only did it get them into the public eye, but it also enabled them to try out lots of different characters and ideas and see
right away which ones worked and which ones didn't (and then re-use the ones that worked and throw away the ones that didn't).
Strikes me as the sort of approach that Jim Henson would have loved.
When the Muppets make another movie, only people who already like the Muppets will go. But if they put shorts before movies, they'd get a lot more exposure -- and people who'd forgotten about the Muppets would rediscover how great they are.
Just my two cents, probably worth even less. After all, I'm just a fan and really don't know anything about the movie industry and how Henson would go about negotiating this sort of thing. But if it is feasible, I'd love to see it.