Animal03 said:
I kinda wished they brought Gordon Lightfoot aboard to do an episode, I'm sitting here thinking they could do a great job with Sundown, Song for a Winter's Night and I personally think it would have been cool to see The Muppet Band do The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald. Oh well....
Originally I was planning to include "Rainy Day People", "Sundown", and "Carefree Highway" in that order in my Gordon Lightfoot outline, but after giving "Song for a Winter's Night" a few listens and thinking it over, I think I agree with Jelly Man Kelly on your line-up. In fact, when I first listened to "Song for a Winter's Night", I kinda said to myself "ah, so THIS is what the guy meant when he mentioned this song for TMS-- it SOUNDS like something you'd hear on TMS!" To go from "Song for a Winter's Night" to "Sundown" to a closing number, you'd need something considerably grander in scale, so even though "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" is pretty bleak, I think it'd be fitting considering the kind of experiments they were doing with puppets, format, and content in Season Four (I can imagine "...Edmund Fitzgerald" done with the more natural-looking Muppet puppets a la Kenny Rogers' "The Gambler").
Mind if I use this aforementioned setup in my outline?
David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole