Yeah muppets from space lost it heartwarming appeal, along with the lack of original songs. The Muppet Movie is about the struggles of life, in factif you notice Kermit is allready much older, he makes the comment about his toung not working right any more.
"Your toung goes and then you can't catch flies."
He is most like Jim Henson in this moment a little bit older kind of unsure of himself, Not really ready to listen to an agent. But then the agent tells him he has got tallent, and he could make millions of people happy. All of a sudden Kermit decides to listen, as we all eventualy must decide to listen, people tell us all the time how much tallent we ahve and that we should do something with it. But how many od us actually decide to listen and then do something.
From that moment On the dream becomes our dream, of building lasting friends, having adventures, and following your heart to the end. It is about knowing yourself, as Kermit has it out with him self in the desert when the car breaks down. And realizing that all we need is right there inside of us, all we ahve to do is believe it, any thing is possible, as long as you believe it is possible.
The trick is always getting people to fallow you there.