Ok, I love discussions like this, so prepare for two cents: Firstly, I can see why there is no Skeeter. She's the kind of a character that wouldn't sit well in the back row and would probably end up outshining a few others. She definitely brought out the mean, selfish side in Miss Piggy. And you have to remember that Miss Piggy's huge appeal now a days is that she's the dominant, fearless woman. Not sure where that goes when Tom-boyish Skeeter shows up. Also, that saddles Scooter with looking like a total nerd, which they were just finally beginning to fix. Muppet show Scooter =Richard Hunt's funny, ditzy, overeager go-fer, Muppet Babies Scooter = nerdy, super-genius under the shadow of twin sister. It's completely opinionated but I always though it really ruined the character. That being said, I
loved Roger and Amy's arch. It was amazingly well done....but for a one-time project where your not sure how real it is.

The parent's issue is an interesting one, I especially liked the fan-fic "Whatever Happened to Skeeter" for explaining that one.
Ok, that's all I got. I would love to see Skeeter back in more comic books, but unless Scooter becomes a really mainstream character or something, I think they'd better take one thing at a time.