Kermit on Good Day Live!
It was early in the show, thank GOD!
They show Tony (?) atop a building and Kermit walks out from behind him "Keeping out of the sun."
They are where they can overlook the Walk of Fame where the star will be laid later.
Jillian and Steve interview him, and ask questions about his little fling with J-Lo in the swamp, ask about if he's dating, about tadpoles and women green from the waist down to which he claims to have nothing to do with, them nor the green men on the Walk of Fame who sleep by the streets at night.
Steve: "Kermit, didn't you and Miss Piggy get married in something once?"
Kermit: "No! Steve, no! That was just a movie!"
Tony: "Speaking of movies, didn't you just finish one?"
Kermit: "Yes, we just finished a Christmas movie to air on a network I won't name but the initials are NBC."
Jillian: "Do you and Miss Piggy get a divorce in this movie then?"
I thought it was funny, but he denied the marriage.
Good to see that they gave some good air time to Kermit.
Then I shut the show off.