Why does Janice swear?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2003
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I don't think it's a problem, it's not like she swears all the time, just in that one song (and it's the "h-word" :stick_out_tongue: ). However, those comments like walking on the beach naked and not taking her clothes off for anyone are funn-ee! :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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I think some of you are pansies. **** and **** are not swears, They have been said by these characters on more than one occassion. Yet this message boards BANS these words because some grown people here can't handle. **** isn't even a curse word, it's a PLACE!!! If you can say heaven you should be able to say ****!

Yes, Janice said ****. OOOOO how awful! I think we should take that movie and cut it up so that no slightly offensive material is in it. Bleep out ****....no, that might not be enough. Take the whole song out. Then take out any scene with the hotel. ake out the scenes with Fozzie drinking. Take out the scenes when the are thrown off the plane (can't have kids jumping now can we?). Take out the explosions, guns, jail scenes, and any other questionable material. Then, what do you have? A nice wholesome 5 minutes movie about Gonzo taking a picture of a chicken. Wait, that implies beastiality. Better cut that too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2003
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conyo!!!since when is that word a swear ?i have heard it on numerous cartoons(in several warner bros. and even in the insedious disney companys one decent television effort "GARGOYLES",

its in the bible , they say it at church, i mean it isnt like she dropped a F-bomb, although i could see her doing it.,

i think our society is getting to concerned with stupid trivial matters , stop censouring things for the rest of us, if you dont like something , and dont want kids to hear dont let them, change the channel and make them watch some of those vapid shows on PBS, which (dare i say to the shaggrin of many here ) that Sesame Street is moving ever closer to, i mean its thinking like that , that killed great characters like , what his name the piano guy, just because some stupid kid imitates things we all ahve to suffer, if a kid is dumb enough to do something like that well thats just natural selection weeding out the dumb and weak, (ok i admit that seems harsh , but its how i feel)

TV is not a BABYSITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :attitude:


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2003
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WiGgY said:
I think some of you are pansies. **** and **** are not swears, They have been said by these characters on more than one occassion. Yet this message boards BANS these words because some grown people here can't handle. **** isn't even a curse word, it's a PLACE!!! If you can say heaven you should be able to say ****!

Yes, Janice said ****. OOOOO how awful! I think we should take that movie and cut it up so that no slightly offensive material is in it. Bleep out ****....no, that might not be enough. Take the whole song out. Then take out any scene with the hotel. ake out the scenes with Fozzie drinking. Take out the scenes when the are thrown off the plane (can't have kids jumping now can we?). Take out the explosions, guns, jail scenes, and any other questionable material. Then, what do you have? A nice wholesome 5 minutes movie about Gonzo taking a picture of a chicken. Wait, that implies beastiality. Better cut that too.
hahaha I often find it easier to just not respond to half of the threads posted, it's just too frustrating...

**** **** *** **** *******



Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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its not a bad word at all, unless you are actually there! its just hello without the o. Anyone heard avenue q songs? They really do swear but they werent offensive or anything.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Swearing is only offensive to adults if said adults are pansy little babies who can't take a WORD! While I don't think Elmo should be saying **** on Sesame Street, I have no problem with the muppet show muppets doing it. For crying out loud, these same characters were part of a show where Rachek Welch was on stage shaking what her mamma gave her! But ****, now that is shocking. Forget the gun play and sexual content in GMC. **** is what we should be concerned with.


Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Nobody said it was a problem, WiGgy. Personal attacks aren't going to win your arguement. There was no arguement to begin with, just a simple question with a simple answer, there's no reason to go beyond that. Just because your views are different from another individual's is no reason to attack them. Yes, I agree, people get silly about censorship and such, but it's no cause for this. If you want to rant, get a blog that way I have the choice not to read your crap.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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You can choose not to read what I post here. Who said yo have to read everything that is put ion fron of you? Do you not have a scroll button?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I still do not understand why the heck, h*** (for swear filter reasons, I won't type it) is a swear anyway. I mean, I'll let the D word go, but **** is a place (fictional or real, depending on your beliefs). What really cheese me off is you have to say "heck" as in "Darn ya ta heck, ya filthy apes" (you can't hear my Charlie Heston impersonation...). I mean, unless you want to be funny, (i.e. Earthworm Jim's villain, Evil the cat comes from Heck. Phil the prince of insufficient light on Dilbert comes from Heck) you should say it if you mean the place, not how the **** are you doin', what the **** was that?- type quotes. That's the only instance where it's a swear.... albiet a mild one...