Whom to send "Muppet Wish List" to?


Active Member
May 11, 2002
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Maybe you guys can help me.

I'd love to know an e-mail of whoever at Disney handles the Muppets, or CD/DVD releases in general. The official Disney website makes me feel like a mouse in a maze, trying to find such info.

I'd like to e-mail them my Muppet Wish List, which would include:

-The re-release on CD of the Muppet movie soundtracks. (And, on the TMM soundtrack, the lovely, ethereal opening credit music that leads into "Rainbow Connection.")
-More Muppet Show CDs.
-DVD releases of such early Muppet specials like Hey Cinderella, The Frog Prince, and The Muppet Musicians of Bremen. (I never saw the latter two, but I listened to their LP records as a kid.) Also, a DVD release of The Muppets Go To Hollywood. Why deprive us of Gummo Bergman's seminal work, Silent Strawberries?

I'm sure there's others I can think of, but those are my biggies for now. So, does anyone have contact info and/or an e-mail of who to send this wish list to?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Jennifer said:
-DVD releases of such early Muppet specials like Hey Cinderella, The Frog Prince, and The Muppet Musicians of Bremen. (I never saw the latter two, but I listened to their LP records as a kid.) Also, a DVD release of The Muppets Go To Hollywood. Why deprive us of Gummo Bergman's seminal work, Silent Strawberries?
Actually, the special you're thinking of is The Muppets Go To The Movies.

I think the FAQ section here has contact info that you could try.

There are also quite a few threads here (in th merchandise sections and whatnot) devoted to wish lists. There's a DVD wishist thread in the Muppet merchandise forum, I've started a few wishlist threads in the Sesame Street forum, there's recently been a thread in the Muppet merchandise forum called Nice idea where people have been mentioning ideas for video games, and I once started a thread in the Muppet Merchandise section about book ideas.