Who owns the SNL Muppets?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2005
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I doubt the Walt Disney Company would want to bring onboard the wild and crazy Gorch guys anyway; too much image headache, if you know what I mean.

Still, you do have wonder, why take only Tale of the Bunny Picnic, the only holiday special that wouldn't have caused an editing crisis no matter where it went, and leave the more popular (and challenging to handle in rights divisions) Emmett Otter and Christmas Toy behind? Like all else in corporate America, it makes little to any sense. Too bad we couldn't have gotten inside those negotiating rooms and heard exactly what was said. But if any of us are interested in the ENTIRE pacakge and are able to put down about $4 billion right away, maybe we the fans could by the whole thing and put these problems to rest once and for all. Just a thought...

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Still, you do have wonder, why take only Tale of the Bunny Picnic, the only holiday special that wouldn't have caused an editing crisis no matter where it went, and leave the more popular (and challenging to handle in rights divisions) Emmett Otter and Christmas Toy behind?
Actually, Disney owns Bean Bunny, who starred in Tales of the Bunny Picnic. Kermit only made a few small cameos in Emmett Otter and The Christmas Toy, and no other major Disney-owned Muppet characters appeared in those specials. Also, Henson probably got to keep The Christmas Toy because Hensons till owns The Secret Life of Toys, which was a follow-up series to that special.