Originally posted by Beauregard
Um, Scoot, have you read what Secret Squrriel said? What do we do now? I mean their is a high risk that they could be sued by some idiot on the board.
SO what shall we do now? Who came up with the original idea?
Ooops! Hmm. We would have to have something like that signed. Everyone who contributed would be credited, whether it be as a group or as individuals. I don't remember who came up with the idea. We'll have to look back.
I'd say, we'll continue on. But, we need to contact everyone who has contributed via e-mail, see if what the contributed is okay to use, etc.
Secret Squirrel, would you take care of this for us? You'll have to look back to the old board as well as this one. If not, I'll do it. I don't want to get you guys in trouble.
Ryan, wait a bit. We'll contact you once we have this mess straightened out.
Thanx, Secret! I bet if you hadn't mentioned anything, not even the ones who would sue would have thought of it!
Actually, thank you very much, Secret. I would have never even realized.
Does the fact that I have thought up this story line several times before in my head before it got posted here count? It's those darn mind-readers!
See! Just because we could, in the future, be in trouble legally, doesn't mean we can't joke around!