Which Sesame Street character should get a Greatest hits DVD next?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Something hit me recently regarding character releases: They usually come out during anniversary years.

The Best of Ernie and Bert came out in 1988. I don't know what month, so it may or may not have been after the 20th season started, and I also don't know if Sesame Workshop started celebrating the 20th anniversary in 1988 or 1989.

The Best of Elmo was released in late 1994. I don't know whether the 25th anniversary ended or not by then.

The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street came out in either summer or fall 1998. Sesame Workshop had already began it's 30th anniversary celebration, with the Elmopalooza special and the Sesame Street Beans line of toys (I think the anniversary PVCs were also in stores at the time).

A Celebration of Me, Grover came out in 2004, a few months after season 35 started (and probably ended, but it was still an anniversary year).

And of course The Best of Elmo 2 came out this year, I think after the 40th season ended, but still during the anniversary year. The 40th anniversary is still officially being celebrated, right?

I think the time will be right by the time of the 45th anniversary for a "Best of Abby Cadabbey" release. But I hope we don't have to wait another five years (at the most) for a "Best of Oscar" or "Best of The Count" release.

Muppet Frog

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2004
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How about a Z is for Zoe DVD?

The line up would be

Street Scenes
The Tutu Spell
Three Cheers for Us
Zoe Loves Rocco

Zoe Says
Just Between Us Girls
Girl of the World
Elmo, Zoe and Telly show empty and full by demonstrating with a house
The Sign Language Moment of the Day: Dance
You and You and Me.
Little Miss Count Along
Around the Corner with Bob
Zoe, Baby Bear and the word yes.
The Breakfast Club
Read Me a Story
Zoe dances to emotions
My Name is Zoe

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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With the new Muppet movie coming out next year it would be cool if Sesame Workshop arranged a special deal with Disney to release a new Kermit spotlight DVD.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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With the new Muppet movie coming out next year it would be cool if Sesame Workshop arranged a special deal with Disney to release a new Kermit spotlight DVD.
Hmmmm, now that I think about it, if it's not too late (and either Disney or SW are secetely reading this thread), here's how a good deal would go: Disney can give Sesame Workshop permission to have Kermit host a new compilation of Sesame Street skits featuring Kermit (a rerelease of "The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street" would be good as well), and in return the new Muppet movie can have a cameo by Sesame Street Muppet characters. Not sure if things work that easily (even if it's between companies that supposedly work well in these such things) but it would be great.

And I've thought of some good ideas for Bert and Ernie compilations, similar to "C is for Cookie Monster".

B is for Bert:
Elmo scares the pigeons
Bert's pigeon search
Doin' the Pigeon
Bert shows Ernie his bottlecap collection
The Paperclip Song
All Dressed Up
Ernie Meets Bart
Brad's bath
Bert waits outside the apartment
Bert's birthday
La, La, La (remake... or maybe even a "La, La, La Mash-Up")
The National Association of W Lovers
Counting to 100 by Tens
I've Got to Be Clean
I Wish I Had a Friend to Play with Me
Bonus Classic Clip: Bert and Maria's imaginary flight (or a Bert & Ernie's Great Adventures sketch)

E is for Ernie:
Rubber Duckie (either the original version or a "Rubber Duckie Mash-Up")
Search for Dr. Livingston
Ernie buries Bert
Do You Like Me?
The Best Friends Blues
Breakfast Time
One Fine Face
Three Honkers
Ernie tries to host a Honker-Duckie-Dinger Jambouree
Ding-Along Song
Journey to Ernie: Journey to Big Bird
tall, taller, and tallest
Ernie tries to get Ernestine to say his name
missing cookies mystery
the 8 salesman
The Magic Apple
Miami Mice
Ernie loves his boat
Ernie catches fish
Things That I Remember
Bonus: An episode of "Bert & Ernie's Great Adventures"

Son of Enik

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Dang it! I listed Kermit's Mystery Box twice! How could I have made that mistake?

Now that I think about it, if it had a "Kermit and His Sesame Street Friends" title, then I guess it would be a bit more acceptable to include segments where Kermit is just part of the gang, like Do De Rubber Duck or Everybody Be Yo'Self.

I wonder how well a "Best of" set representing a human character would sell. I'd like to have a "Best of Bob" or "Best of Maria" the most (out of all the humans Bob seems to have been in the most classic inserts that I either really like or would really want to see). A "Best of Gina" or "Best of Gordon" would be good as well.
I like the idea of Best of DVD's for the human characters, especially Bob and Maria and I also think an "Evolution of Gordon" concept would be cool featuring all 3 actors.
As far as Muppet characters, I agree with Best of DVD's for Herry, Oscar and The Count...but how about Roosevelt Franklin getting his own disc? Not only could we revisit all of the old classroom skits but also we'd get his great songs and "head ball" skits (I used to love those).


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2002
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I think a new one for Big Bird should be on the list. He's had some very wonderful moments on the street in recent years, including the hurricane episodes, the 40th season premiere, and welcoming Abby Cadabby to the neighborhood.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I was thinking, there's going to be another alphabet-themed release soon (Learning Letters with Elmo), if they do a numbers release soon, maybe they could have it be a Count spotlight release. Maybe called "Counting with The Count" and have segments with The Count that involve numbers.

Here's what I'm thinking for a contents list:
  • Patrick Stewart: Make It So Number One (or One Potato)
  • Tune for Two
  • Sesame Street News: Three Little Pigs
  • The Count counts candles
  • The Count Hires Ernie
  • Six Feet Under
  • The Count counts flowers
  • Eight Beautiful Notes
  • Cloud Nine
  • A boy counts until The Count's hair turns blue
  • Miami Mice: The Count goes to the space station
  • Counting is Wonderful

I know, there should be more, but I can't think of very many non-Number of the Day segments with The Count for the numbers 11-19 (some numbers could be spotlighted multiple times I guess). I guess you could fill a release like that with The Song of the Count and The Batty Bat (and The Count's visit to Charlie's Restaurant and the Count's sleepover at Bert and Ernie's apartment).

Stephanie Evjen

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2014
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How 'bout a set featuring Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats and Little Jerry and the Monotones, since they were the only two groups who lasted the longest on the show than the other bands/singers combined. Even though it seems kind of silly, I think it would be cool to release songs that were released just one or two times, or never been on DVD before, along with some SS episodes they were featured/starred in:

1) Count It Higher (their debut performance; their biggest hit)
2) Exit
3) Row, Row, Row Your Boat (featuring Don Music)
4) Yankee Doodle (featuring Don Music)
5) Can You Tell Me How To Yellowstone Park (featuring Don Music)
6) One Way (the Green Alphabeat and Lavender Alphabeat only)
7) The Opposite Song (Little Chrissy only)
8) You're Alive (intro uncut)
9) Raise Your Hand (Little Chrissy only)
10) Rock 'N Roll Readers (intro uncut)
11) Eight Balls of Fur (Little Chrissy only)
12) Cluck Around the Clock
13) Startin' Kindergarten (featuring Big Jeffy)
14) Gonna Rock You to Sleep (featuring Big Jeffy)
15) I Go to School (featuring Big Jeffy)
16) Wet or Dry (Little Chrissy only; also the last song done by Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats to date)
17) Gospel Alphabet (featuring Little Chrissy on piano for Patti LaBelle; the last appearance of Little Chrissy to date)
18) Little Chrissy singing a song to get Joey and Davey Monkey to get along (if it exists)

1) Mad (their debut performance)
2) Surprise (both the original and 80s version)
3) Proud
4) Sad
5) Danger
6) Telephone Rock (their biggest hit)
7) Mary Had a Bicycle (featuring Don Music; without Little Jerry)
8) A Body Full of Rhythm (featuring the Purple monotone)
9) Rock 'N Roll Star (featuring the other Fat Blue monotone in sunglasses)
10) Mountain of Love
11) When You Move the Mouse (their last performance to date)
12) Grover demonstrating "EXIT" (featuring Little Jerry and the Monotones)
13) Grover demonstrating "WALK" (featuring Little Jerry and the Monotones)
14) Beat The Time with Little Jerry (if it exists)
15) Harvey Kneeslapper gets Little Jerry (if it exists)

1) Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats enlisting Elmo's help in finding a gig for them to play on Sesame Street
2) Little Jerry and the Monotones visiting Sesame Street for Gina's fan club dedicated to the band
3) Little Chrissy and Big Jeffy helping Elmo take Little Jerry's place before a big dance when Little Jerry is sick with the Chicken Pox
4) Elmo, Little Chrissy, and Big Jeffy performing London Bridges with Bob
5) Big Bird, Elmo, Prairie Dawn, and Snuffy forming "Big Snuffy and the Alphatones" after watching Little Jerry and the Monotones perform
(if anyone else knows anymore episodes featuring the Alphabeats/Monotones, let me know, since these are the only episodes I've heard of)

1) Baby Tooth and the Funky Bunch
2) The Beetles (Letter B, Thinking of U, Hey Food)
3) Bruno and the Trashmen
4) The Cobblestones (I Can't Get No Co-Operation)
5) Didi O'Day and the Dew Drops
6) Dr. Thad and the Medications (The Ten Commandments of Health)
7) Earth, Rain and Mud (Slimey the Worm's band)
8) The Frazzletones (Frazzle; featuring a Little Chrissy-like monster)
9) How Now Brown and the Moo Wave (Wet Paint (with intro) and Danger's No Stranger)
10) Gloria Esteworm, Squiggy Marley and the Mud Makers, and Wormsmith Black Mambazo (featured in an episode featuring Slimey playing in a Worm-based music festival)
11) Nick Normal and the Nickmatics (The Letter N)
12) The Oat Bran Zydeco "Je Ne Sais Quoi" Band (It's Zydeco)
13) The Oinker Sisters
14) Over The Top (ZZ Blues)
15) Oscar's Junk Band
16) Polly Darton
17) Billy Idle (Rebel L)
18) The Shagri-Las
19) The Tarnish Brothers (I Just Adore Four with Big Bird and This Frog with Kermit the Frog)
20) Those guys who sang Disco D
21) Movin' (Movin' On)
22) An Anything Muppet Rock Band who sings "Come Join Us"
23) Bruce Stringbean (Born to Add and Barn in the USA)

That's my idea. What I'm saying is that Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats and Little Jerry and the Monotones, along with the other singers/bands featured on Sesame Street deserve much recognition as much as the other characters on the show. And that is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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I love the music of Sesame Street and particularly the songs from these bands- Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats, Little Jerry and the Monotones and all the others listed- those would be great collections on DVD! I would definitely welcome them.:smile::insatiable::wisdom:

Stephanie Evjen

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2014
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I love the music of Sesame Street and particularly the songs from these bands- Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats, Little Jerry and the Monotones and all the others listed- those would be great collections on DVD! I would definitely welcome them.:smile::insatiable::wisdom:

Glad you feel that way. I would've called this set "The Sesame Street Rockers Collection". It really does feel good to hear from another Alphabeats/Monotones fan. :smile: