Mokey-Creative & sensitive & I always like to help people (But....Remember that FR episode where Mokey gets everybody to make a vow not to eat Doozer constructions & it all backfires on her? ....Yeah, that's me. Try to help people & it usually doesn't turn out right. Least my heart's in the right place.)
Red-I can get REEEEAAAALLLLY enthusiastic!!!!
Boober-A little pessimistic, & I LIKE to do laundry!!!!!
Scooter-Helpful, in the background, likes to watch the madness
Prairie Dawn-I may SEEM sweet & cute, but you DON'T want to get me mad! (...Actually, my friends think it's FUNNY when I get mad, which I guess is ALSO like Prairie Dawn!)
Grover-Sweet, cute, lovable, adorable.....Just not blue & fuzzy!

....Mostly Mokey, though, I think....W/some Red splashed in there for manic energy.....