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When you need to rant...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Okay, here's a rant over some thing that's been plaguing me for a few months now:

So, you guys know Dodgeball's my favorite movie, right? With Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller? So, any way, the blooper reel from that movie's on YouTube, okay? So, a few months ago, I commented on the video, quoting a line that really made me laugh (I can't repeat it on here because it's a little obscene). Since then, I've gotten umpteen million replies from people who are all, "DUDE! SHUT THE **** UP!!! WE WATCHED THE **** THING! WE KNOW WHAT THEY SAID! WE HEARD IT! WE DON'T NEED TO BE TOLD WHAT THEY JUST SAID!!! WHY IS YOUTUBE FULL OF RETARDS DOING STUPID STUFF!!!"

Now then, I know that they're whining the ******** about me simply quoting my favorite line, because apparently, I'm insulting their intelligence by telling them what they just heard... but I know the REAL reason why I got singled out: because somehow, between then and now (I just deleted the comment), I had gotten 500+ thumbs up, I kid you not. Jealous much? I mean, SERIOUSLY, other YouTubers were posting their favorite quotes from the vid (a few of which post the exact same one I posted), but nobody whined about them, just me. And 100% positive it was all because of how many likes I got for that one comment.

Even I was shocked at how many likes my comment got, I've never gotten THAT many, and probably never will again... I think my previous "best" was like, maybe, 20 or more... but over 500?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I've seen that before, a few bizarrely overly sensitive people freaking out over someone quoting a movie. They just can't stand seeing other people enjoy themselves for some reason, heh.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2012
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Some people remind me of internet trolls, I swear. And I live with two of those. It's difficult keep a positive attitude around them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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So, you guys know Dodgeball's my favorite movie, right? With Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller? So, any way, the blooper reel from that movie's on YouTube, okay? So, a few months ago, I commented on the video, quoting a line that really made me laugh (I can't repeat it on here because it's a little obscene). Since then, I've gotten umpteen million replies from people who are all, "DUDE! SHUT THE **** UP!!! WE WATCHED THE **** THING! WE KNOW WHAT THEY SAID! WE HEARD IT! WE DON'T NEED TO BE TOLD WHAT THEY JUST SAID!!! WHY IS YOUTUBE FULL OF RETARDS DOING STUPID STUFF!!!"
The problem lies in with BOTH types. Memes and quotes and references have been used to death in countless forums, web pages, video pages, and all over the internet. It gets to the point where the cool smart thing to do is to constantly point out (on various levels of jerkitude) that they're sick of someone that hasn't used said reference to death before using it now because it's rendered unfunny from overuse. Instead of just ignoring it, that is. And then of course, those who just come into referencing said meme/quote/reference for the first time because it automatically becomes funny just discovering it. Basically saying Noobs are terrible people for being new to something someone else got sick of long ago, being one of the forerunners of said meme. And you can't even create a new meme because out of every billion memes like one sticks. And then it's only funny for a month.

But legitimately, there is a point that when you hear the same thing over and over, you tend to get a little edgy. Think of it as a bunch of kids in the backseat asking if they're there yet over and over, causing the parent/driver to go from having a sense of humor about the whole thing to wanting to pull over the car and abandoning the kids, to wanting to choke them. Happens here all the time, and we don't know it. We automatically want to ban noobs that spell "Fozzy," ask one of the freaking FAQ's that are posted on the site, and ask for merchandise of an obscure character that never got merchandise that we would have wanted (making us extra testy when they ask). Even if you're patient, you lose patience for those things.

So basically, people who have lost their patience with certain internet behavior tend to lash out angrily at people who just stumble upon or finally find humor in a meme (quoting lines in youtube videos counts) need to learn how to tune that out and not be complete schmucks about it.

muppet maniac

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Let me see...what else gets on my nerves besides moronic Youtube comments?

* Politicians: With the recent election, and the out-of-control hoopla that emerged out of it (you all know what I'm talking about), I don't need to go into further detail why these guys annoy me. Besides, the majority of politicians are either douchebags, a-holes, scumbags, liars, hypocrites, sleazeballs, idiots, power-hungry dictators, monsters, or all of the above. Always have been, always will be. And I'm surprised nobody's brought this up yet because it's been in the news, but it looks like things are about to get worse with the president getting tough on gun owners, even law-abiding citizens who only use guns for self-defense. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all did the same thing, and look what happened. It's pretty obvious where this is going.

Oh, and for the record, I'm neither republican or democrat, neither left or right, and neither liberal or conservative. Being in one group does not make you morally or intellectually superior to the other group.

* Environmental hysteria - I think I'll let George Carlin explain this one for me, so here...

* Celebrity news and gossip - More hazardous to our senses than the smell of burning plastic.

* People who blame all the world's problems on things like fast food restaurants, video games, internet, cartoons, music, etc.

* Facebook (word beginning with W - not going to say it here, but you know what it is; it rhymes with "four", and is plural) - On one hand, this is a good website for reuniting with your friends from high school, or if you're a musician, theme park, production company, television program, or author wanting to promote their work and let everyone know what's going on. On the other hand, there are these idiots who post unnecessary things, some that I don't want to hear.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And I'm surprised nobody's brought this up yet because it's been in the news, but it looks like things are about to get worse with the president getting tough on gun owners, even law-abiding citizens who only use guns for self-defense. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all did the same thing, and look what happened. It's pretty obvious where this is going.
In one of the gun buy back programs, there were at least 2 grenade launchers.

I'm really sick of the "gum'ment commin' ta take ERR GURRRNS" hysteria. I don't see why anyone needs an Ak47 assault rifle that isn't fighting in a war overseas. I barely understand why we even need them there. The government is not going to take anyone's guns no matter who's in charge.

The language of the second amendment is at fault. The founding fathers were pretty passive aggressive about adding that to the bill of rights, no thanks to England. But "baring arms" meant having a slow loading pistol for hunting and or "defense" because there wasn't an established consistent form of law enforcement back then. They didn't mean, "Hey! As an American, you're every right, nay, duty is to go out and arm yourself to the teeth with something that's considered overkill on the battle field." I see nothing wrong with rifles or hand guns. Those just need some mild regulation to protect law abiding owners and punish those who acquire them illegally, especially when it comes to gang activity. But no one, no one needs a grenade launcher or a machine gun. Those aren't for hunting or defense... those are for murdering as many people as possible.

And another thing. "Defense?" Cracked put it better than I ever could, but "defense" isn't the term. A gun has one function. To kill things. Hunting-killing an animal. Marksmanship- training to kill something. Defense-killing someone who also has a gun before they kill you. That's offense.

Also, I'm pretty sure most other countries don't allow people to carry or own as many guns as America does, and they're not run by Stalin or Hitler or Dr. Doom and managed fine without them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I see nothing wrong with rifles or hand guns. Those just need some mild regulation to protect law abiding owners and punish those who acquire them illegally, especially when it comes to gang activity.
But I'm not sure why we think throwing yet another law at the problem will change anything.

A great deal of gun violence is from suicides. The news doesn't talk about that. And most of these massacres are by clearly disturbed people. What we need to improve is our health care system.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But I'm not sure why we think throwing yet another law at the problem will change anything.
But doing nothing is doing nothing. This happens every single time there's a tragedy. We want someone to do something, we look at the options, arbitrarily say "that's not going to do anything" and then let it happen again. There's a lot that could have been solved in hindsight, but taking a look at how weapons can be acquired and where killers get them from would be a great start. Like I said, no sane person needs an assault rifle. The only people who buy assault rifles over regular hand guns and hunting rifles buy them for pretty scary reasons. Mostly overthrowing the government or waiting for some crazy fiscal apocalypse concocted by far far far far right wing conspiracy theory radio that only crazy people listen to. Like I said, a gun buy back had someone give up 2 grenade launchers. How are these things selling?


Legislation needs, first and foremost, to shut these places down. Secondly, why the heck can people buy guns online? If you're so darn serious about getting fire arms, they can get off their lazy butts and go to a licensed store like a person.

I don't think heavy handed legislation that punishes all gun owners will do anything. But how about ones that protect the rights of gun owners and get the illegal and dangerous war grade arms that no one needs out of the hands of civilians.

Laws can only go so far. What needs to change is gun culture. We need to stop the "It's your right as an American to own a fire arm" mind set and bring on the mindset of "this thing is dangerous in the wrong hands, and responsible owners need to be responsible." The school shooting, long story short, happened because the mother was an irresponsible gun nut that owned 3 assault rifles. Responsibility needs to be self regulated. Something needs to be done about militias. I mean, they have the same intent as most terrorist groups and they're the ones making sure we get AK47's that NO ONE NEEDS. And above all, responsible gun owners need an alternative to the NRA. They're crazy lobbyists that work for gun manufacturers that think that the only way to prevent gun violence is to arm everyone to the teeth. In schools. Animal rights activists that think PETA is full of crazies found other, saner places that agree with their philosophy. Why not a reasonable gun ownership coalition?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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But doing nothing is doing nothing.
But has it gotten to the point where passing a law is also doing nothing?

What needs to change is gun culture. We need to stop the "It's your right as an American to own a fire arm" mind set and bring on the mindset of "this thing is dangerous in the wrong hands, and responsible owners need to be responsible."
Most gun owners are in fact responsible people. They're not the ones doing these things. Disturbed people with no options in life are.